Daffy Duck - Wikiquote (2024)

Daffy Duck is an animated cartoon character in the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of cartoons.


  • 1 From Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons
  • 2 From webtoons
  • 3 From theatrical movies
  • 4 From television series
    • 4.1 Duck Dodgers
    • 4.2 Other shows
  • 5 External links

From Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons


  • Daffy: Don't let it worry ya, Skipper. I'm just a crazy, darn fool duck. Hoo-hoo Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo... - Porky's Duck Hunt
  • ...because I'm a SPLIT PERSONALITY, that's why not! I'm two people in one! A schit - a schit - a SCHITZOPHRENIAC!! - The Prize Pest
  • A Methersthmidt. A whole Meth of Mthersthmidts...a METH of METHERSTHMIDTS! - Daffy The Commando
  • Hankerin' for trouble, eh?! Well I would like - [to the audience] I would like? I would like a trip to Europe. (Back to Canasta) - I would like to introduce myself: Drip-Along Daffy's the name! [pushes hat forward over brow] Drip-Along Daffy
  • Aw, buck up, BB Eyes. Here, have a swig o' swampwater!
  • Oh ho ho ho, duck hunters is da cwaziest peoples! Ha ha ha. -- Daffy Duck Hunt
  • I'm not crazy, I just don't give a darn! WOO HOO! WOO HOO!
  • I'm so crazy I don't know this isn't possible.
  • [Daffy has blown himself up for a grand finale; the audience cheers]
    Bugs Bunny: That's terrific, Daffy! They loved it! They want more!
    Daffy Duck: [as a ghost rising to heaven] I know, I know, but I can only do it once. - Show Biz Bugs
  • [After not being fooled by a fake female duck] 'Taint funny, McGee!
  • Awww! But, Honeybunch! Sittin' on eggs is sissy-stuff! - Quackodile Tears
  • Can you imagine anything so ridiculous as majority rule? - Daffy Duck for President
  • Come on!! Challenge ME!!
  • Consequences, Schmonsequences, as long as I'm rich. - Ali Baba Bunny
  • Daffy Duck he had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. And on this farm he had an igloo, E I...E...I...O? - Duck Amuck
  • Don't beat me, massah! Don't whip dis poor ol' body! No!
  • Don't shush me!! I'LL MAKE ALL THE NOISE I WANNA!!! -- Daffy Duck Hunt
  • Don't stir yourself, sir! I'll muzzle that inebriated canary! - A Pest in the House
  • Drip-Along Daffy's 'ma name! [men quietly play cards, unaware of Daffy's pronoucements] Anybody care to shoot it out? Man to man? Under western skies? West of the Pecos? Tumbleweeds at ten paces? [starting to realize no one is caring] Ten thousand head the cattle? [with less and less conviction] Cut 'em off at the pass? Prairies? Lariats? [after a pause] Anyone for tennis? [no reaction] Anybody? [changing to personal enjoyment] Well, reckon I'll have me a little bracer! - Drip-Along Daffy
  • Gad! This comic's a real page turner. It's thlopping over with gripping suspense.
  • Gee! Thanks, chum. How'd ya know I like lollipops?
  • Get me a proctologist right away!
  • Gruesome, isn't it?
  • I got him now, I got him now! HEY, BUB, YOU NEED A HOUSE TO GO WITH THIS DOOR-KNOB!! -- The Stupor Salesman
  • Hey! What's the matter with me? I'M DUCK TWACY!!! - The Great Piggy Bank Robbery
  • Ha ha, it's me again! WOO HOO WOO HOO! - Daffy Duck in Hollywood
  • HO! HA HA! GUARD! TURN! PARRY! DODGE! SPIN! HA! THRUST! [WHACK! His bill bends upwards] - Robin Hood Daffy
  • Hocus pocus. Flippety flam. A razzamatazz and ALACAZAM!!
  • Hoo-Hoo, Hoo-Hoo!
  • H-Y-M-I-E! H-Y-M-I-E! H-Y-M-I-E! HYMIE! HYMIE!! HYMIE!!!! - Daffy Duck Slept Here
  • I am a duck bent on self-preservation. -- Duck! Rabbit! Duck!
  • I can't stand pain, it hurts me! -- The Abominable Snow Rabbit
  • I'm allergic to pain, save me!
  • I'm rich! I'm a happy miser! -- Ali Baba Bunny
  • I can't help it. I'm a greedy slob. It's my hobby. Save me! -- Ali Baba Bunny
  • I may be a craven little coward, but I'm a greedy craven little coward. - Ducking The Devil
  • I think you're pretty tough, don't I?!
  • [film sticks between frames NOW what? [from the upper frame] What are you doing down there? "Down here? What are you doing up there? [mockingly motioning to the audience] DOWN here." [upper Daffy pulls up lower Daffy and the frames align properly] Listen, bub, if you wasn't me, I'd smack you right in the puss! Don't let that bother ya, Jack! Okay, buddy! You asked for it! -- Duck Amuck
  • I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible. WOO HOO!
  • I've worked with a lot of wise-quackers, but you are dethpsicable! -- Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
  • [When Daffy Duck of warner Brothers engages in a musical piano duel with Donald Duck of Walt Disney] This is the last time I work with someone with a speech impediment! -- Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
  • It's mine, ya understand? Mine, MINE, all MINE!, get back in there!, down down down!, go go go!, mine mine mine! MWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! -- Ali Baba Bunny
  • Obviously I'm dealing with inferior mentalities. -- What Makes Daffy Duck?
  • Of course you realize, this means war.
  • Oh, a hunter doesn't worry me, Woo Hoo Hoo, Woo Hoo Hoo!
    A Hunter doesn't worry me because I'm Daffy Duck
    When a hunter shoots his gun at me, A BANG BANG BANG [tap tap tap]
    When a hunter shoots his gun at me, he's just out of luck!
  • Oh brother, I'm a buzzboy! -- Duck Amuck
  • Oh, ooh, I'm just shivering to destruction
  • Oh, the little man from the draa-aaa-ft board he is coming to see me. Oh, the little man from the dee-de-du-DRAFTBOARD!?! -- Draftee Daffy
  • Oh, people call me Daffy, they say that I am gooney. Just because I'm happy is no sign I'm Looney Tuney.
    When they call me nutsy, that sure gives me a pain. Please pass the ketchup, I think it's going to rain.
    Oh, you can't bounce a meatball, though try with all your might. Turn on the radio, I want to fly a kite!
    Good evening, frieeeeeeeends... -- Boobs in the Woods
  • One for the money, two for the show, three to make ready, and four to GEROOOOONIMOOOOOOOO!!
  • Only a dirty rat would do that, or a dirty duck! So that's the way he wants to play?
  • Shoot me again! I enjoy it! I love the smell of burnt feathers, and gun powder, and cordite. I'm an elk! Shoot me! Go on!! It's elk season! I'm a fiddler crab. Why don't you shoot me?! It's fiddler crab season! [to himself] What have I done? When did I take the wrong turn? -- Duck! Rabbit! Duck!
  • Silence is Foo!
  • Starting from where we are we go 33,600 turbo miles due up. Then west in an arc-deviation to here. Then following the Great Circle several radiolubes south by down-east. By astro-astroble to here, here, and here, then by space navigal compass to here, here and then to here, and here. By thirteen point strato-cumulus going four million light years and THUS to our destination. - Duck Dodgers In The 24 1/2th Century
  • [on a distant island] Hey, come here, come here! Gimme a closeup! A closeup! [frame closes around him, still distant] This is a closeup? [pause] A closeup, ya jerk! A closeup! [camera zooms to Daffy's eyes; walking away from the camera] Thanks for the sour persimmons, cousin. -- Duck Amuck
  • There's going to be a sneak preview, and the sneaks aren't going to like it! -- Drip-Along Daffy
  • "Is that all"?! There was nothing for the Scarlet Pumpernickel to do...but blow his brains out, which he did. [BANG!!] It's getting so you have to kill yourself to sell a story around here! -- The Scarlet Pumpernickel
  • Very sporting of the little black duck -- Daffy Doodles
  • Well, I guess I'm the goat. -- Duck! Rabbit! Duck!
  • Well what'y'a know! He's colder than a foundered flounder!
  • Well, where's the rest of me?! -- Duck Amuck
  • Why the copious flow of lacrimal fluid, my querulous canine? -- Daffy Duck Hunt
  • Woo Hoo Hoo, they'll never catch this little duck! But I'd surely get some buck shot, right in some vital duck spot, if it wasn't that I'm shot so full of luck!
  • Ya to be drawn and quartered!
  • Yes, it had to be me! Poor me! It couldn't be him! It couldn't be you! It had to be me!!! AH HA HA HA HA!!!"
  • Yoiks, and Away! [crash; more wearily] Yoiks, and Away! [crash; his weariness growing with each blow] Yoiks, and Away... [crash] Yoiks...and Away... [crash] Yoiks and away... [crash) Yoiks... [crash] ...and away... [crash; finally at the base of the tree] Why You! [chops all the trees down] Now then, yoiks and away! [flies past the chopped trees, but crashes into a boulder] -- Robin Hood Daffy
  • You have insulted me! We meet on the field of onion!
  • You smug son of a- [to Bugs Bunny on his 50th anniversary]
  • You're deth-picable!
  • Going down! Woo-hoo-hoo! [Michael Jordan screams] So, what do you say we go for the little SPIN?!! [spins around Michael Jordan] -- Space Jam
  • [first lines] YOU'RE KILLING ME! I'M BEING MURDERED!!! I can't stand this torture anymore, I'M DYIN'! YOU'RE KILLING ME!!! I'm tellin' ya J.L., you're typecasting me to death. Comedy! always Comedy! ha-ha, WOO-HOO WOO-HOO, Yuck yuck! Honest J.L., you just gotta give me a dramatic part! -- The Scarlet Pumpernickel
  • [After being let out of Porky Pig's deep freezer] What a trip! What a trip! Blizzards all the way! Snow 20 feet deep! But we had to get that serum through! It was mush, mush, mush all night! [grabbing the dog and pushing him like a sled dog] Come on, mush, mush, mush, mush, mush! Suddenly, the glacier cracks! There's a roar! Tons of ice! No escape! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH! How things been with you? -- Daffy Duck Hunt
  • Ah-ha! Now I've got the drop on you with MY disintegrating pistol! And brother, when it disintegrates, it disintegrates! [pulls trigger; the pistol disintegrates] Heh, what do you know...It disintegrated. [Marvin shoots at him] -- Duck Dodgers In The 24 1/2th Century
  • Yeah. Cute like a stomach pump!
  • Oh, boy, hunting season again. This year, I'll bag me a four-point grizzly bear or my name's not Fearless Daffy Duck greatest of the present-day hunters. Suppressed Duck
  • Shhh! I’m forming a Secret Alliance! Like I said, we vote off everyone else until we're the only ones left! Secret alliance for eternity. Then, I'll dump these losers. I'm winning the whole thing. --Toon Marooned: Survival of the Dimmest

From theatrical movies


  • "Does anybody understand what this duck is saying?" - Who Framed Roger Rabbit
  • Bugs: Eh, what gives, doc? We made thirty-five pictures togetha'.
    Elmer: Well, as it turns out, I'm secwetwy evil.
    Daffy: That's showbiz for ya! - Looney Tunes: Back in Action
  • "It's supply and demand! They supply the ghost, and I demand the money!" - Daffy Duck's Quackbusters
  • Daffy: You wasted a wish! I wish that burrito was stuck on your big dumb nose!
    Speedy Gonzales: (the burrito appears on his nose) Help! Get it off. I can't breathe nothing but burrito!
    Daffy: Well Sam, it looks like we'll have to use your wish to get the burrito off his nose. It's the only humane thing to do. Sam? Sam?
    Yosemite Sam: Too late, Duck, I already wished for a pirate ship. After I sinks a certain pesky rabbit, I'll come back and pick you up!
    Daffy: Oooooh! You're despicable! - Daffy Duck's Movie: Fantastic Island
  • "Too bad you can't practice getting taller, boys!" - Space Jam
  • "It just goes to show you, you gotta kill yourself to win an Oswald in this town!" - The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie
  • "Sell my Warner Brothers stock! I got an inside tip that Bugs Bunny's about to die!" - Looney Tunes: Back in Action
  • "Oh, fear clutches my breast!" - Space Jam
  • "What a hypocrite! What a jip! Community service, eh? I'll give 'em community service! I'll see that ingrate ghosts get whiped off the face of the earth! I'll rid the world of disgusting echtoplasmic slime, like J.P. Cubish... (loud thunder) ...er, I mean, NICE echtoplasmic slime, like J.P. Cubish!" - Daffy Duck's Quackbusters
  • (as Bugs fights Marvin outside) "What am I gonna do? What would Damian Drake do? What would Duck Dodgers do?... Wait a minute, I am Duck Dodgers! ("spins" into his Duck Dodgers outfit) Yes! I'm going to be the hero of this picture! (straps one of five rockets on) Duck Dodgers to the rescue! (the rocket blows up; Daffy straps on the second rocket) Duck Dodgers to the... (the rocket blows up; Daffy straps on the third rocket) Duck Dodge... (the rocket blows up; Daffy looks at the fourth rocket) Duck... (the rocket blows up; Daffy suddenly appears outside the ship with the last rocket strapped on, working) It's You-Know-Who to the rescue! It helps if you don't say the name." - Looney Tunes: Back in Action
  • "That's the last time I work with somebody with a speech impediment!" - Who Framed Roger Rabbit
  • Daffy: Say, that's the stuff from my office.
    Mr. Warner: You don't have an office.
    Mr. Warner's Brother: Not any more.
    Daffy: Symbolically, this is bad. Please, Brother? Other Brother? Icy she-wolf? Help me, please. I'm too moist and tender to retire.
    Kate: Let me escort you out.
    Daffy: Wait! I haven't tried toadying, kowtowing and butt-kissing yet! I'm still begging here! - Looney Tunes: Back in Action
  • DJ Drake: Cool it, duck. This could be dangerous.
    Daffy: Right, we find Dusty Tails, save your dad, get the diamond, apply kung-fu liberally as needed. - Looney Tunes: Back in Action
  • "We've got to get a new agent. We're getting screwed!" - Space Jam
  • "Going down! Woo-hoo-hoo! (Michael Jordan shrieking was fall into the ground really fast with a crash, but wasn't hurt.) So...What do you say WE go for a little SPIN?! (Spins around like Michael Jordan, stopped, and brother's ear.)" - Space Jam
  • Daffy: Relax, sister. I don't know the meaning of the word fear!
    Yosemite Sam: SAY YOUR PRAYERS, DUCK!
    Daffy: Fear: Noun. A state of terror. Yaaaaah! - Looney Tunes: Back in Action
  • Bugs: Now it's my turn to do an act.
    Daffy: Go ahead! I'd love to see the audience boo you off the stage! - The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie
  • "Hmf! Well, if I'm not going to star in this cartoon, we might as well start the movie." - Gremlins 2: The New Batch

From television series


  • "That Cadet buys the worst Christmas presents." - "The Queen is Wild"
  • "Idios, Muchaca! We will always have Paris..." - "To Love A Duck"
  • "Well whataya know, she loves me! That's just the advantage I need." - "The Queen is Wild"
  • "And it hasn't been the same without you. Although it's been eerily similar." - "Duck Departure"
  • "Yahoo! The grand brassiere is back in business, baby!" - "Pig Planet"
  • Daffy: Don't blame me - the Martian gets one solo cartoon per season.
    Porky: Your milk and Cappuccino, Captain!
    Daffy: You forgot my Frescatti! - "K-9 Quarry"
  • "Maybe if I stare at this piece of paper long enough, people will think I can read." - "The Fudd"
  • (while trying to lift Porky) "I knew I should've cast Speedy Gonzales as my sidekick!" - "Invictus Interruptus"
  • I.Q. Hi: This is I.Q. Hi, calling Duck Dodgers.
    Daffy: Yeah, I recognize you by now. - "Diva Delivery"
  • Daffy: So, what do you think? Could today end our mutual hatred?
    Marvin: Highly unlikely, Dodgers. Whether at war or peace, I shall always loathe you!
    Daffy: You shall always love me?! Eeeew!
    Marvin: I said loathe, you idiot!
    Daffy: Did not!
    Marvin: Did too!
    Daffy: You love a duck!
    Marvin: I do not!
    Daffy: Do too!- "Of Course You Know This Means War and Peace Part 1"
  • General Z-9: Dodgers, I loathe you!
    Daffy: You love me? Yuck! What is it with you Martians? - "Of Course You Know This Means War and Peace Part 2"
  • "Cadet! You're all right... I mean, besides the fact that you seemed to have completely lost your mind." "Of Course You Know This Means War and Peace Part 2"
  • "Wow! You're brighter than Las Vegas at Christmastime!" - "Pet Peeved"
  • "So, this is how it ends. Up to my armpits in filth, about to be devoured by a creature I thought would love me forever. Reminds me of my first marriage." - "Pet Peeved"
  • Porky: Uh, Captain? Since you're in charge, shouldn't you be in front?
    Daffy: Nope, that's the first thing they teach you in Protectorate academy. Protect the important people, disposable drones to the front. It's kinda like the pawns in checkers.
  • Daffy: I don't believe it! We kill ourselves to pull off an impossible assignment just so some glory hound can swoop in and take all the credit! - "Invictus Interruptus"
  • Daffy: Well, kids, don't let anyone tell you this show isn't realistic! - "Invictus Interruptus"
  • Porky: But you don't know anything about Martian technology.
    Daffy: No, but I am good at breaking things. - Duck Dodgers, "Invictus Interruptus"
  • Daffy: Greetings Captain, looks like you could use a hand.
    Captain Star Johnson: Actually no, we can handle...
    Daffy: My pleasure, Dodgers Out!" Clean Bill of Health"
  • Captain Star Johnson: Dodgers, nothing can stop you from being a washout on your time. But wen you're forced to share a seat IT WOULD BE NICE IF YOU WOULD ATTEMPT TO ACT LIKE AN OFFICER!
    Daffy: You know, if I didn't know better...I'd say you had some doubts about my captaining abilities.
    Captain Star Johnson: I think you are completely devoid of merit.
    Daffy:Just too bad you don't have the courage to speak your mind...
    Daffy: Why don't you tell me what you really think Johnson, or ARE YOU TOO SCARED?!
    Captain Star Johnson: A DISGRACE to all who wear the uniform. A Biological mistake!
    Daffy: Oh, don't try to sweet-talk me now! Its too late! "Clean Bill of Health"
  • "Did I miss the Great Pumpkin?! Did he leave us any toys?!" - "Pet Peeved"
  • "Cutesy wutesy sugar plum? No! Hideous, terrifying monster? Yes!" - "Pet Peeved"
  • "Ooooooo-eeeee! Sorry to cut off the tunes, fellow vagrants, but I'm Patch Scartissue, and I want you all to see that I ain't afraid of nothin', not even paper cuts! [slits his finger with an envelope] Aaaaaaah!!" [faints] - "Boar to be Riled"

Other shows


  • "I tell ya J.F, it'll be a smash! Honey, I Shrunk the Laundry, starring Daffy Duck! Whaddaya think? (is kicked out) Philistines!" - Tiny Toon Adventures, "The Looney Beginning"
  • Loud Kiddington: DUCK!
    Daffy: Will you please knock that off!? Sheesh! A bird could develop a complex around here! - Histeria!, "Hooray for Presidents"
  • "[The Warners'] first cartoon was the most bizarre thing I'd ever seen. If I remember it correctly, eh, they had flypaper stuck on their fannies. [their 1931 cartoon short "Flies in the Ointment" shows that the Warners were having a sticky situation with the flypapers onto their fannies] It was an okay cartoon for a short, but this thing went on for eight hours! Eight hours!" - Animaniacs, "The Warners' 65th Anniversary Special"
  • "Even though you're kind of little, I'll teach you how to spray your spittle!" - Tiny Toon Adventures, "The Looney Beginning"
  • Daffy: Plotz!!
    Mr. Plotz: Daffy, what can I do for you?
    Daffy: It's this Cat & Birdy show!
    Mr. Plotz: What about it?
    Daffy: I demand it be changed to The Duck & Daffy Duckeroonie Daffy Ducky Duck Cartoonie Show!
    Mr. Plotz: But--
    Daffy: No "but"s, Plotz! Change it or I'm walking!
    Yakko: I've got dibs on his parking space. -Kids' WB! promo
  • This dressing room is so small I have to step outside to change my mind!

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Daffy Duck - Wikiquote (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.