FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (2024)

Published: FFXIV - Final Fantasy 14, FFXIV Hunting Logs

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (1)

Post Sections

  • When Can I Start Pugilist Rank 3?
  • Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 Targets
    • Overgrown Ivy
    • Smallmouth Orobon
    • Forest Yarzon
    • Coeurl Pup
    • Bark Eft
    • Fallen Mage
    • Shroud Hare
    • Ziz
    • Corpse Brigade Knuckledancer
    • Clay Golem
    • Coeurlclaw Hunter
    • Apkallu
    • Bigmouth Orobon
    • Lindwurm
  • Total EXP Available
  • When Can I Start Hunting Log Rank 4?

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Ready for more crunching and splatting of enemies? Good, because the FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 requires just that, as you build towards becoming a Monk. This level takes you into all three original nations of the Eorzean Alliance, so there’s plenty of great scenery to see along the way.

But you didn’t come here to talk views, but to tick boxes yes? Well, if you insist! Here we go:

When Can I Start Pugilist Rank 3?


  1. You’ve cleared FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 2 and
  2. You are at least Level 20 in that class/job.

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Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 Targets

Reward: FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (2) 20,000
Pugilist 21

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (3) 6,300

Overgrown Ivy

Number Required: 4

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (4)

The more you venture through FFXIV, the larger some things get - but you remain the same size! Seems a tad unfair. Overgrown Ivy are larger version of the Microchu seen elsewhere. And there's a FATE nearby here with an enormous (overfed) one, too!You'll find Overgrown Ivies in...wait for it, the Nine Ivies part of the East Shroud. Though there are definitely more than Nine around here.

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (5) Involved in FATE

The Ivy LeagueFFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (6)


East Shroud: Nine Ivies

Nearest Aetheryte

The Hawthorn Hut


Around X:22.8, Y:29.8

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Overgrown Ivy

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Pugilist 22

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (8) 6,500

Smallmouth Orobon

Number Required: 5

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (9)

Seriously, the maw on the Smallmouth Orobon looks as huge and ugly as the Bigmouth Orobon! Comparisons aside these fish-like critters flop around in the shallow river near Buscarron's Druthers. And, as you can see, sometimes shuffle onto the ground too.They are found along most of that river, so you're not spoilt for choice as to which ugly fishies you want to punch. Ah, the therapeutic nature of being a pugilist, or monk-to-be!


South Shroud: Upper Paths

Nearest Aetheryte

South Shroud: Quarrymill


Around X:17, Y:19

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Smallmouth Orobon

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Pugilist 23

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (11) 6,700

Forest Yarzon

Number Required: 5

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (12)

Forest Yarzons seem especially creepy at night when the moon is shining. With that encouragement in mind, you'll find this particular breed of ugliness en route to Fool Falls, not far from some Coeurls. Also, while Camp Bronze Lake is theoretically nearer, if you're close to being on-level, then Aleport is much easier.


Upper La Noscea: Oakwood

Nearest Aetheryte

Upper La Noscea: Bronze Lake


Around X:11.5,Y21.2

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Forest Yarzon

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Pugilist 24

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (14) 6,900

Coeurl Pup

Number Required: 4

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (15)

You know that cute little Coeurl Kitten minion you get really early on in FFXIV? Well, early-ish anyway. That kitten becomes a Coeurl Pup (no confusion there). Well I hope your sofa or garden is big for when kitty grows up!

Coeurl Pup Location

You can find the pups at Fool Falls in Upper La Noscea - you know, on the island with no Aetheryte. There are a few pups here, but also some full-grown ones. Just giving you a heads up.

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (16) Involved in FATE

Poor Maid's MisfortuneFFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (17)


Upper La Noscea: Oakwood

Nearest Aetheryte

Western La Noscea: Aleport, or Upper La Noscea: Bronze Lake


Around X:9.5, Y:21.6

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Coeurl Pup

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Pugilist 25

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (19) 7,100

Bark Eft

Number Required: 3

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (20)

The Bark Eft is one of various species of Eft across Eorzea and, as they do, you can find them in or near water. These murky green ones can be found in the tiny river that lies on the boundary of the Upper and Lower Paths in the South Shroud. The coordinates given are approximate, because you can find them anywhere along that river.Thankfully, you don't need many - so only defeat what you need so they're around for the next person clearing their Hunting Log entry.

  • Conjurer: × 3
  • Thaumaturge: × 2


South Shroud: Lower Paths

Nearest Aetheryte

South Shroud: Camp Tranquil


Around X18, Y:24

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Bark Eft

Fallen Mage

Number Required: 3

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (22)

The Fallen Mage is not just one that's clumsy, or one that slipped across the line into evil. It's dead. Well, undead. And so are the other enemies nearby.On that score, be careful if you're around Level 25-30. There are some tough enemies here that take ages to clear if you're not on a particular quest.That's why I put dots on the minimap rather than circle the whole area. Try to avoid any undead that's not your target - especially if they have the red star-like symbol over their heads. See ConsoleGamesWikiFFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (23) for aggression symbols if you're unsure.


Southern Thanalan: Broken Water

Nearest Aetheryte

Southern Thanalan: Little Ala Mhigo


Around X:19.5, Y:16.5

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Fallen Mage

Shroud Hare

Number Required: 3

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (25)

Welcome to my favourite enemy name to hate... the Shroud Hare. I am completely guessing, but I think this giant slug was called that due to its feelers appearing like bunny ears.It does make me wonder what the Loporrits would make of it being called a "hare"!

Where are Shroud Hares?

There are actually two main areas you can look in the North Shroud. Coordinates below relate to the northern/western-most area marked on the maplet. Alternatively:

  • The southern area starts at X:20.5, Y:29.5.
  • I hadn't remembered that you can encounter some in the Central ShroudFFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (26) around X:15, Y:24.

Please see also the note on Acidic Secretions.


North Shroud: Alder Springs

Nearest Aetheryte

North Shroud: Fallgourd Float


Around X:17.5, Y:30

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Shroud Hare

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Pugilist 26

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (28) 7,600


Number Required: 5

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (29)

There are many similarly-named creatures in FFXIV, but this is the One True Ziz. Or so it likes to think, anyway. These can be found mostly below ground level in Alder Springs and are due South-West of the Banemites. I think I found one on ground-level, but the rest were below - at least when I was mapping them.

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (30) Ziz in FATE

It Ziz What It IsFFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (31)


North Shroud: Alder Springs

Nearest Aetheryte

North Shroud: Fallgourd Float


Around X:25.8, Y:27.8

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Pugilist 27

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (33) 8,600

Corpse Brigade Knuckledancer

Number Required: 5

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (34)

There are various classes of the Corpse Brigade in and around The Sepulcre in Southern Thanalan, but it's the scowling, Corpse Brigade Knuckledancer Hyurs you're after. Time to go fist-to-fist with them, dear Pugilist!Thankfully you can clear this hunting log entry without going inside - assuming no other players are around. Various quests do bring you here, so be patient if others are nearby. If you're even vaguely on-level, inside is pretty much a death trap with the number of enemies in there.

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (35) Involved in FATES


Southern Thanalan: Broken Water

Nearest Aetheryte

Southern Thanalan: Little Ala Mhigo


Around X23.2, Y:8.6

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Corpse Brigade Knuckledancer

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Pugilist 28

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (40) 9,400

Clay Golem

Number Required: 5

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (41)

If Pugilist is your first character or class, the Clay Golem is the first type of animated rockforms you'll have to clear from your Hunting Log. But the FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (42) MSQ introduces the idea really early on, so they're not new.Different golems are made from various rocks, such as Basalt or are described by their location, like the Crater Golem.Yours is made of clay, but that doesn't mean it's soft!

Where are Clay Golems?

These are dotted around in ones and twos South and West of Fallgourd Float. But bear in mind Alder Springs has layers/levels to it. The golems are usually on the lowest of the levels near the dots I've put on the minimap.


North Shroud: Alder Springs

Nearest Aetheryte

North Shroud: Fallgourd Float


Around X:28.0, Y29.0

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Clay Golem

Enemy PUG ↑

Pugilist 29

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (44) 9,700

Coeurlclaw Hunter

Number Required: 5

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (45)

The Coeurlclaw Hunter can be found in the northern part of the South Shroud. They are one of various classes (including the Poacher and Cutter) in this area. The Hunter is Archer-class, which helps, because aside from hovering symbols, many of these Miqo'te look identical due to their face masks.The coordinates below mark the outskirts of Coeurlclaw territory, but it extends East and North-East into Takers' Rot. The Hunter the deepest in is at X:30.4, Y:19.3.

An alternative location is X:15.5, Y:33, near the entrance to Eastern Thanalan. The location is marked as the South Shroud Landing.

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (46) Involved in FATEs

A Tale of Two-tails (involving Yabi Two-Tails)The Coeurl King


South Shroud: Taker's Rot

Nearest Aetheryte

South Shroud: Quarrymill


Around X:28.5, Y:21.5

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Coeurlclaw Hunter

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Pugilist 30

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (48) 10,000


Number Required: 3

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (49)

Apkallu are cute birds provide eggs and down for crafting and spit fish at you to interrupt your casting. Oh, that rhymed. And these birds apply to non-casters...soooo, never mind!I'm not sure why you need to kill some of them - maybe like seagulls in our own cities they've become pests. Or it's the fish-spitting.

Apkallu Location

You can find them on - and near - the road from Eastern to Lower La Noscea. However, there is also a convenient rock that a few always gather on. That makes it easy to clear this stage of your Hunting Log Rank 3. The rock's coordinates are below.


Eastern La Noscea: Bloodshore

Nearest Aetheryte

Eastern La Noscea: Costa del Sol


Around X:29.1, Y:35.8

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Bigmouth Orobon

Number Required: 3

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (51)

Now, I know other Orobons exist in Eorzea, but correct me if I'm wrong, don't they all have gaping maws? The Bigmouth Orobon has as big a mouth as the others, right?

Anyhow, you can find them on the way to the Lower Paths from the Upper Paths of the South Shroud. Most are in the marshy, muddy water, but a few slither onto the tufts of grass around too. Just, "don't get 'et". (Name that FATE!)


South Shroud: Lower Paths

Nearest Aetheryte

South Shroud: Camp Tranquil


Around X:17.8, Y:30.8

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Bigmouth Orobon


Number Required: 3

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (53)

If you're thinking that Lindwurms look a lot like Velociraptors, then you'd be correct! These ones inhabit the higher-level portion of the Central Shroud. I've put dots on the mini-map, but that's incomplete, because another player was taking some down at the time.You can also harvest Raptor Skins for Leatherworker crafting from a Lindwurm too.

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (54) Involved in FATE


Central Shroud: Sorrel Haven

Nearest Aetheryte

New Gridania: Take the White Wolf Gate


Around X:13, Y:19

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Total EXP Available

  • Total EXP for All Levels: FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (57) 78,800
  • EXP Clearing Rank 3: FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (58) 20,000
  • TOTAL: FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (59) 98,800

Note, this excludes any EXP gained for defeating the individual enemies and bonuses due to Rested EXPFFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (60).

When Can I Start Hunting Log Rank 4?


  1. You have cleared Rank 3, and
  2. You are at least Level 30 as a Pugilist (or Monk).

Enemy List ↑

TL;DR Make Sure to Enjoy Clearing the Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3

I was kind of serious in my introduction. Sometimes achievements and logs can be too…results-driven. Don’t get me wrong, Hunting Logs are an excellent way to level and practice a new class or job. But the world FF14 gives us is wild and beautiful. Heck, even some of the enemies are.

So do take time occasionally to enjoy the journey, please. I’ll see you back here next week for Rank 4. Until then, enjoy FFXIV whatever your play style!

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About the Author

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (61)

Fibro Jedi

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (62)FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (64)

I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.

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FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 3 (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.