How to Manifest in 5 Days with the 5×55 Manifestation Method (2024)

If you're ready to take charge of your own life and manifest your dreams then you've come to the right place!

Whether you're new to the law of attraction or you've manifested time and time again, manifesting rituals are fun and unique ways to activate your intentions and get in alignment with your desires.

The ancient manifesting ritual that I'll be talking about in this post is something called the 5x55 method and it combines other powerful manifesting methods like affirmations, journaling and numerology to supercharge your intentions.

How to Manifest in 5 Days with the 5×55 Manifestation Method (1)

Combining multiple manifesting methods in this way is a powerful way to manifest because it can help you get in the right energetic space, even if you struggle with individual methods alone.

For example, you'll hear me say later in this post that I suck at visualisation. But using other manifesting methods like writing can allow me to access this part of myself and improve my chances of manifesting.

In this post I'll be taking you through the reasons why the 5x55 method can be a powerful combination to manifest, as well as some actionable steps that make it super easy for you to practice yourself.

So if you're ready to supercharge your manifestations with the 5x55 method then let's go ahead and get started!

How to Manifest in 5 Days with the 5×55 Manifestation Method (2)

What is the 5x55 manifestation method?

The 5x55 manifestation method is a structured system to bring your desires into reality.

Over the course of 5 days, the aim is to align with the frequency of your intentions by targeting the unconscious mind through repeating a set number of affirmations.

This method works on the basis of the law of attraction, but adds a more structured approach in order to really commit to manifesting over the course of 5 days.

This makes it a particularly useful tool for those who find themselves more scattered and inconsistent in their approach to manifestation or simply aren’t getting results from their usual techniques.

How to Manifest in 5 Days with the 5×55 Manifestation Method (3)

what is The law of attraction?

The Law of Attraction describes our ability to attract into our lives whatever we focus our energy on.

If this concept is completely new to you, we can explain it using the law of vibration - which describes the fact that everything in the universe has a vibrational frequency.

Whatever frequency something vibrates at has the power to attract things operating at a similar frequency.

Since our thoughts, feelings and behaviours also have a vibration, they have the power to attract things that hold a similar vibration.

In simple terms... if we align our thoughts, feelings and behaviours to the things we want to attract in our lives then we can manifest them (manifesting is another word for attracting something into our reality).

In practice it's a little more complex than this and in order to attract our desires we need toalign our whole being with them.

But using manifesting methods and techniques like the 5x55 method can help us to make our desire our vibrational focus and get into alignment with it.

Want to read more about the law of attraction before we move on? Check out this post on how to use the law of attraction to create your dream life!

How to Manifest in 5 Days with the 5×55 Manifestation Method (4)

How does the 5x55 manifesting formula work?

As I mentioned earlier, combining multiple manifesting methods into one singular method can be a powerful tool to increase the power of your intentions.

This is exactly what the 5x55 method does and part of the reason why it can be a powerful aid in your manifesting routine.

Let's delve into this deeper and explore the combination of factors that make the 5x55 manifesting formula such a powerful tool:

  • Repetition allows the intention to enter the subconscious mind
  • It combines several different manifestation tools e.g. affirmations, visualisation and trust in the universe
  • Daily commitment shows the universe that you are ready to receive
  • The method helps you to become more focused on your intentions and desires
  • It works with the significance of the number 5 in numerology

Why 5x55?

So what is the significance of 5x55? To answer this, we can look at the meaning of the numbers according to numerology.

Numerology is the study of numbers and their meanings. Each number has an energy behind it and knowing the energetics of a number can help you incorporate its energy into your own life or interpret numerological messages that may come to you.

In numerology, the number 5 is related to change. In particular, 555 is a number that represents extreme growth and transition.

It can be a sign of letting go of the past, opening up space andcreating future opportunities.

Seeing the number 555 frequently is a sign that there are changes that will happen soon, which will bring you closer to your true life’s purpose.

As you can see, this is a powerful combination of numbers with really positive energy when it comes to manifesting! That's exactly why we utilise this number to enhance our manifestation practice.

In essence, when we focus on these numbers we are increasing the power of intentions!

How to Manifest in 5 Days with the 5×55 Manifestation Method (5)

What you need

So what do you need to get started with this ancient manifesting ritual?

  • A pen (pencils won’t suffice since they are much less permanent than pens)
  • A journal or lots of paper (lined paper is preferred but is not essential)
  • Up to an hour of spare time to dedicate to manifesting for 5 consecutive days
  • A positive mindset and belief in the process
  • Anything that helps you personally to create a sacred space and mood

How to Manifest in 5 Days with the 5×55 Manifestation Method (6)

How to use the 5x55 manifestation method

Hopefully by now you should have a better understanding of the power behind the 5x55 method, including the numerology behind it.

Now we can move onto what this method looks like in practice, so that you can incorporate it into your own manifesting routine and try it for yourself.

Follow these 4 easy steps to learn how to do the 5x55 method.

Step 1: Set your intention

The first step of any manifestation method is to set your intention. This is statement of what you would like to achieve within a certain timeframe.

Using 5 days as an example timeframe, the idea would therefore be to think about what you want to put into existence within the next 5 days.

Try to make this something that can be measured. For example, attracting a set amount of money or a milestone that you will receive.

Some questions that might help you with setting your intention are:

  1. 1

    What would you like your life to look like in 5 days?
  2. 2

    How would you feel if this change manifested in 5 days time?

An example of this process might be:

  1. 1

    In 5 days time I would like to manifest £100
  2. 2

    If this change manifested in 5 days I would feel successful, abundant, financially secure

You should then write your intention in a positive way that captures the specifics of what you want to manifest.

For example, in this case your intention might be "I will receive £100 in my bank account within the next 5 days"

How to Manifest in 5 Days with the 5×55 Manifestation Method (7)

Step 2: Create your affirmation

Now you've set your intention for the next 5 days, it's time to create the affirmation that will help you align with the energy of this intention.

Turn your intention into affirmations

This is why we asked ourselves about the energy that we would feel when our intention comes into fruition. It makes it much easier to create an affirmation that will capture this energy.

With your set intention in mind, you want to create 5 affirmations that match with this intention.

Make sure these affirmations are powerful and include emotive language that resonates with you.

Use this key formula for setting powerful affirmations:

  • Create affirmations in the present tense (as if they have already happened)
  • Choose something that excites you/resonates with you
  • Be specific!
  • Don't make it too long (it needs to be easy to remember!)
  • Show gratitude for the manifestation
  • Say how the manifestation makes you feel

Looking at our previous answers and intention, some powerful affirmations might be:

  1. 1

    I am so grateful to have received £100 in my bank account
  2. 2

    I am successful and I have just received £100 to confirm that
  3. 3

    The £100 I have just received makes me feel so abundant
  4. 4

    I am financially free and I just received another £100 out of nowhere
  5. 5

    Thank you Universe for sending me £100 to my bank account

Want some examples of affirmations? Check these posts out!

  • 50 Powerful Morning Affirmations for Success and Abundance
  • 50 Soulmate Affirmations to Attract Your Soulmate
  • 100 Self Love Affirmations to Build Your Self-Esteem
  • Positive Affirmations for Anxiety Disorders

Choose your affirmation

Now you’ve created your five affirmations based on your intention, it’s time to narrow it down to just one affirmation to work with.

Looking at the key formula for setting powerful affirmations above, which affirmation fits this criteria best?

Referring back to the example affirmations above, my chosen affirmation would be "I am financially free and I just received another £100 out of nowhere".

This is the affirmation that I personally find the most powerful, but for you it might be something completely different!

Make any changes you need to make to ensure this is the right affirmation for you to work with over the next five days.

TIP: try reading the affirmations out loud to see which one brings you the most joy and connects you to your desire - this is the one you should work with!

How to Manifest in 5 Days with the 5×55 Manifestation Method (8)

Step 3: Set up your space

To begin with your manifestation, it’s important to set up a high vibrational space. This will help you to connect deeper with your affirmation and align with what you are trying to manifest.

Set up your space like you would for your meditation practice if you have one. Or just do whatever you think feels right and helps you get into an aligned space.

There is no right or wrong way to do this - the only thing that matters is that you connect with the space.

Take some time to ensure you feel at peace in the space you’re in and that you won’t be disturbed for the duration of your practice.

Step 3: Write down your affirmation

This is where the 5x55 method really begins. This is the time when you will sit and dedicate time to writing down your affirmations and connecting to their energy.

With your pen and journal at hand, start to write out your affirmation on the page over and over until you have written your affirmation 55 times.

Do this every day for 5 consecutive days.

Although this is a simple task, it is one that should not be rushed. The aim isn’t just to write words here, but to really connect with the meaning and the feeling behind the words.

As you write, say the words in your mind space and visualizeyour affirmation as if it is your reality. Feel the energy of your words and believe them to be true.

If you feel like you are struggling to connect with this practice, take some time out and come back to it. Or maybe try meditating beforehand to get in a more positive and high vibrational mindset.

However, it is important that you do not miss a day. If this happens, you should start the process again if you want to truly embody the energy of numerology with this practice.

Related post: How to Make Affirmations Work Faster

How to Manifest in 5 Days with the 5×55 Manifestation Method (9)

Step 4: Let go and release

This is a very important part of the manifestation process that is often overlooked. Releasing attachment to your desires can be the difference between manifesting and not manifesting.

After the 5 days have passed, let go of your intention and release any expectations.

It can be incredibly tempting to obsess over our desires and think about them again and again, believing that this will help to bring them into our reality faster.

But attaching too much meaning or expectation to our wishes can send out negative messages into the universe and make them less likely to show up.

Instead, we need to let go of our ego and trust the process.And trust that our desire will show up when it is meant to come.

Tip: Why not try putting your affirmations in a manifestation box?

It is also important to pay extra attention to your intuition and the messages you receive over the coming weeks.

You may gain insight on steps you need to take in order to align with your intentions. Don’t ignore any messages you are receiving - they are coming to you for a reason.

Related:8 Signs from the Universe That You Shouldn't Ignore

How to Manifest in 5 Days with the 5×55 Manifestation Method (10)

Frequently asked questions about the 5x55 method

Now we've covered the main stuff when it comes to the 5x55 method you should hopefully have a good understanding of how to use this manifesting method in your own practice.

However, if you still have unanswered questions when it comes to 5x55, these FAQs should clear those up for you!

What is the best time to do the 5x55 manifesting method?

There isn’t necessarily a “right” time to start the 5x55 manifesting method. The most important thing is that it feels right to you.

Meditating before each affirmation writing session can ensure that you’re in the right headspace to engage fully.

Some people believe that writing affirmations before going to bed at the end of the day allows the words to move into your subconscious as you sleep.

However, if you find you are more focused and positive first thing in the morning then this might be a more suitable option for you!

How to Manifest in 5 Days with the 5×55 Manifestation Method (11)

Do you need to write the affirmation 55 times at once?

Yes.The repetition of writing is one of the most important factors of this meditation technique.

Writing at different times of the day breaks up this pattern of repetition and is therefore less powerful.

If you find yourself unable to complete your writing or are not in the right mindset, it is okay to stop and come back to it later.

But if you do this, it is recommended that you begin the 55 affirmations from the beginning.

Can you type your affirmation out on the computer?

In an ideal world, you should write your affirmation using a pen and paper.

This is because the act of writing by hand causes you to connect more with the words you are writing and encourages you to be more present.

It is easy to become distracted and passive when typing on a computer and it is therefore not recommended to do so.

If you have the option of using a pen and paper then this should be the method you take.

Be cautious of the temptation to use technology out of laziness as this means you are not truly committed to your intention and it is unlikely to manifest.

However, if for whatever reason you are unable to use a pen and paper then typing is better than nothing.

If you need to resort to typing then try to do so slowly and remain engaged and present in the same way you would writing by hand.

How to Manifest in 5 Days with the 5×55 Manifestation Method (12)

Can I use this method to manifest multiple things at once?

This isn’t advised as doing so sends out many different messages and gives the impression that you are confused about what you want.

Working on one intention and affirmation shows the universe that you are dedicated and committed to achieving this outcome.

There is no rush - work on one thing before moving to the next. You will find that your goals are much easier to achieve when you break them down into smaller steps.

What if my desire manifests before day 5?

This is great! But don’t stop just yet.Show your dedication by completing the 5x55 method even if your desire seems to manifest early.

There is every chance that there is more to come and stopping prematurely could stop you from getting all of the benefits of this technique!

What if my desire hasn’t manifested by day 5?

Don’t lose faith. Some intentions, especially big ones, take a while to manifest.

If your desire hasn’t manifested by day 5, that doesn’t mean it won’t manifest at all! It’s important not to lose faith in the universe and the law of attraction.

Trust the process and the universe will deliver in time.

Related post:6 Clear Signs That Manifestation is Close

How to Manifest in 5 Days with the 5×55 Manifestation Method (13)

Extra tips to strengthen your manifestation

  • Ensure your intention comes from a place of positivity - not due to fear, desperation or control
  • Bring resonating crystals into your sacred space - for example, if you're trying to manifest love then hold or wear a rose quartz (see the 7 Best Healing Crystals for Self Love)
  • Be patient - your desires will come to you in good time
  • Only work with one intention at a time - show your commitment to your intention and avoid sending conflicting messages
  • Practice gratitude - showing you’re thankfulfor what you already have is the best way for the universe to reward you with more!
  • Get aligned with your intention - fill the rest of your life with positivity and engage in activities that raise your vibration

5x55 success stories

I'd love to hear from you if you've tried the 5x55 manifestation method!

Get in touch to let me know how it worked for you so I can feature your story here!

And don't forget to pin this post!

How to Manifest in 5 Days with the 5×55 Manifestation Method (14)

How to Manifest in 5 Days with the 5×55 Manifestation Method (15)

About Esther

Esther is the founder of Through the Phases. Her mission is to guide others to grow to their full potential and create their dream life using spiritual and personal growth practices. Read more about her story here!

How to Manifest in 5 Days with the 5×55 Manifestation Method (2024)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.