Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (DLC) | Adventure Gamers (2024)

Table of Contents
Sherlock Holmes: Chapter 1 Walkthrough (DLC) Sherlock Holmes Cases list: "Mother's love" Mycroft cases Cordona Tales Other cases DLC cases Case: "Saints and Sinners"(DLC) The murder of a priest Report No. 23-86 The righteous Refuge of the Righteous Aether Vial (argument with John) In the lair of the "Righteous" New people In the lair of the "Righteous" The killers are arrested Victorian Starter Pack(DLC) Case: "Lead airship" Observation deck Broken tablet Article about the Mutiny at the Airship Arrival Ceremony Meeting of Ottoman radicals Case"Beyond a Joke"(DLC) Case: "It's no longer a joke" Cop note Robbery at Lady Gruber's House Crime scene in the bedroom Wolf in sheep's clothing The robbery at the Lane house Repair in the room The robbery at the Lane house Message on the mirror The robbery at the Lane house On the board and back Robbery at the Kaf house focus device magician's top hat Eternal holiday at Lady Kaf Crime scene in the Kaf house Abandoned ladder Crime scene in the Kaf house Brilliant coherence Atelier Gimbala Description of the Brilliant Alonso Atelier Gimbala Letter to Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes Chapter One -Mycroft 'sPride (DLC) Case: "Experienced informant" "Mysterious Postcard" Trouble with an agent Patch of work clothes Suspicious warehouse Cabinet Key Note from the leader The missing key to the cipher (argument with John) Suspicious warehouse Case: "A rat on a boat" Mysterious postcard Mycroft's request Description of the suspect Description of the suspect Case: "Disappeared" Mycroft's request Description Meral Levy Note from R. Crypt near the olive tree Tree photo (argument with John) Looted Crypt Eternal peace Letter to Mycroft Case: "On a coin" Mycroft's letter Collection of coins Hidden coin #1 Hidden coin #2 Hidden coin #3 Hidden coin #4 Hidden coin #5 Hidden coin #6 Hidden coin #7 Hidden coin #8 Hidden coin #9 Hidden coin #10 FAQs

Sherlock Holmes: Chapter 1 Walkthrough (DLC)

Sherlock Holmes Cases list:

"Mother's love"

  1. "Ghosts of the Past"
  2. "Master of Transformation"
  3. "Police Investigations"
  4. "Dog fights";
  5. "Delezh";
  6. "Incident at the cemetery";
  7. "Scapegoat";
  8. "This is w-w-w for a reason."
  9. "Golden Cage"
  10. "Overseas Muse"
  11. "Sacrificial Lamb"

Mycroft cases

  1. "Eel Catching"
  2. "The Lost Shopkeeper"
  3. "Love, Death, Cordona"

Cordona Tales

  1. "Silence is golden"
  2. "Treasure Island" (stages 1-3)
  3. "For the birds"
  4. "The Tale of the Empty House"
  5. "The Ghost Hunter"
  6. "The Hand-Me-Down"
  7. "Flashes of Merriment"
  8. "Pillar with knives"
  9. "A Mad Rogue"

Other cases

  1. "Song of the Siren"
  2. "Blind Shooting"
  3. "String theory"
  4. "Street Tricks"
  5. "Iron Coffin"

DLC cases

  1. Sherlock Holmes Chapter One - Saints and Sinners (DLC)
  2. Sherlock Holmes Chapter One - Victorian Starter Pack (DLC)
  3. Sherlock Holmes Chapter One - Beyond a Joke (DLC)
  4. Sherlock Holmes Chapter One - Mycroft's Pride (DLC)

Case: "Saints and Sinners"(DLC)

FromStevensonBridgeconnecting Silverton and Miners' Limit, we move northwest along Silverway.At the intersection of Silver Way with Herring Road, we listen to the conversation oftwo men.

Choose phrases:

- "Bloody Saw";

- "Sawn off hand";

- "The police are at an impasse."

The murder of a priest

  • “There are rumors about the murder of a priest.An investigation is underway, but the townspeople are afraid that the killer will remain at large.”

We activate the evidence "Murder of the priest."We leave for the Cordona police archive.

Set search parameters:

Crimes - "Against the person";

Subjects – “Victims;

Evidence - "The tools of the crime."

Report No. 23-86

  • “The man whose body was found in Miners' End has been identified as the priest Alesandro Fanconi.Most likely, the local gang "Righteous" is involved in the murder, but I do not have enough evidence to get a search warrant."

We fix the evidence "Report No. 23-86".We dress up asa bandit, we go to the "Miner's Market".

We use the concentration mode, we find a bandit.We talk to him.

The righteous

  • “In the yard behind the last two houses south of Carpenter Street in Miners' End, those in need will find food and a roof over their heads.The "righteous" take care of the poor, whom everyone has abandoned."

We leave for the intersection of Carpenter Street and Jail Street.We pass along Carpenter Street to the north, we find in the courtyard on the right "Vault" Righteous".

We rise along the stairs, we pass through the guarded door

Refuge of the Righteous

Help with choking

  • “I came across a poor man who urgently needed medical attention.”

We examine the suffocating man:

- covered mouth

- breast;

- left hand.

  • “He has an asthma attack.We need to give him medicine as soon as possible."

We go along the bridge, we go into the first room on the right.

We look at the table by the window:

- A BOTTLE OF ETHER (rotate until an active point appears);

- anesthetic;

- acetylsalicylic acid.

Aether Vial (argument with John)

  • "Ether can help with an asthma attack."

We take the ether to the patient.

  • "I gave the man ether and saved his life."

Again we go along the bridge, we go into the room on the opposite side.

We speak with the guard.

In the lair of the "Righteous"

  • The "Righteous" are preparing for battle in the arena.The guard won't let me see their leader."

We leave, we listen to the conversation oftwo menstanding at the railing on the right.

Choose phrases:

- "Looking for people";

- "Punish the killers";

- "Replace violators."

New people

  • “The boss of the Righteous is going to punish the killers for violating the law of the gang.They don't have a lot of people, so he's looking for people to replace him."

We return to the guard, we declare: "I want to join the gang."

We show class in shooting.

In the lair of the "Righteous"

  • "Now I can talk to the leader."

We enter the boss, we speak with him.We agree to enter the arena.

We deal with the bandits without killing them.

The killers are arrested

  • “I managed to disarm the killers.Now I will hand them over to the police.”

We return to the room where we found the ether.Considering the second table:

- medical card;

- blood clot;

- medical instruments.

We go to the kitchen.We read "LAWS OF THE RIGHTEOUS" on the table, to the right of the entrance.

We leave the shelter of the "Righteous".

Victorian Starter Pack(DLC)

Case: "Lead airship"

We go to the "Observation deck" in the Old City.We rise to the telescopes.

Observation deck

  • "The airship can be seen from the observation deck near the bridge in the Old City."

We look through the spyglass, point it at the airship.

  • “A huge airship hovers over the city.You can see it almost everywhere."

We read the inscription on the plate.

Broken tablet

  • “Someone defaced the sign on the observation deck near the bridge in the Old City.The airship and the sign appeared this year.Was there some kind of tragedy connected with the airship?

We move to the archive of the newspaper "Chronicle".

Set search parameters:

Period - "This Year (1880)";

Section - "Current events";

Areas - "Old Town".

Article about the Mutiny at the Airship Arrival Ceremony

  • “During the arrival ceremony at the market in the Old City, a group of radical Ottomans gathered.To protect civilians, the police went to the scene.By the end of the day, they managed to put down the rebellion.Shortly thereafter, Edrik Arat, a fifteen-year-old apprentice from a shoemaker's shop in the Old City, was found dead."

We move to the market of the Old City.We eavesdrop on the conversation offour Ottomans.

Choose phrases:

- "Sesame Street and Scarlet Street";

- "Courtyard behind the arch with a horse";

- "Shoot down the airship";

- Artillery.

Meeting of Ottoman radicals

  • “The radicals are preparing to act.They congregate secretly in the courtyard at the corner of Sesame Street and Scardleth Street in Old Town.At the entrance to the courtyard there is an arch with a horse.

We go to thecornerof Sesame Street and Scarlet Street.

We pass under the desired arch.


Dealing with radicals.

  • “We dealt with the Ottoman radicals.They won't touch the airship.We need to look around the yard and find out what exactly they were going to do.

We examine the table in the far left corner:

- map;

- rocket.

HISTORY- "Lead airship".

We leave the yard.

Case"Beyond a Joke"(DLC)

While in the Grand Barn, we listen to the conversation of a man and a woman sitting on a bench at the intersection of Salts Row and Cumberball Street.

“Three already!And everyone in the Grand Saray!No wonder the police are at an impasse.There's a magician at work!"

Choose phrases:

"Rich houses";



Note.Similar conversations can be heard elsewhere in the Grand Saray area.For example,two womenunder the arch of the Baskerville Street bridge ortwo menat the gazebo on Bonasa Road.

Case: "It's no longer a joke"

Fade out focus

  • “Three houses were robbed in Grand Saray during magical performances.The police are already looking into this case, but it seems to be in vain.”

We activate the evidence "Focus with the disappearance", we go to the archive of the Cordona police.

Set search parameters:

Crimes- "Theft";

Evidence- "Handwriting of the criminal";

Districts- "Grand Saray".

Cop note

  • “Send a squad to investigate these robberies.IMPORTANT: It is necessary to take a closer look at the magician, the Brilliant Alonso.He has something to do with it all."

Robbery at Lady Gruber's House

  • “Lady Gruber's house was robbed during a performance by the Brilliant Alonso.It is on Gallifrey Street, between Belvedere Street and Bonanza Road in Grand Barn."

We ship to thespecified address.

We speak with Lady Gruber, we ask permission to inspect the crime scene.

Crime scene in the bedroom

  • "The necklace was stolen from Lady Gruber's bedroom"

We go into the bedroom, examine:

Table with mirror:

- cards laid out in a certain order;

- jewels in a box;

- a card with a butterfly (rotate until two active points appear).

  • “All other decorations are in place.There are four cards on the dressing table: an ace, an eight, a seven, and an eight.”

Opened window.

  • "The window is wide open, but it doesn't look like someone got in from outside."

We return to the hall.We look at themagician's suitcase:

- case with accessories;

- mustache.

Exploringthe trick table:

- box (rotate until two active points appear);

- a map with a signature (rotate until an active point appears).

HISTORY- Alonso Tricks: Butterfly Cards.

Activatethe retrospective sphere, restore the events:

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (DLC) | Adventure Gamers (1)

Madame Gruber helps the colonel out of the hall.

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (DLC) | Adventure Gamers (2)

The Colonel opens the bedroom door.

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The Colonel opens the window.

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The Colonel wears a necklace.

Wolf in sheep's clothing

  • “Having feigned a fit of coughing, Colonel Wolf went away from everyone into the guest room.There he picked the lock of Lady Gruber's bedroom and stole the necklace.He opened the bedroom window to make it look like a burglar had been in the house.”

We go to Lady Gruber, we talk about the events that have taken place.We leave the mansion.

The robbery at the Lane house

  • "During a performance of the Brilliant Alonso, a very expensive painting was stolen from the Sir Finley Lane Gallery, which is located at the intersection of Salts Row and Joy Avenue in Grand Saray."

We are heading toSir Finlay's gallery.

We speak with Finlay Lane.

  • “Sir Finley suspects Vincent's one-legged servant of stealing.He was upstairs during the performance."

We ask permission to examine the crime scene, we receive the KEY FROM THE GALLERY.

We examinethe magician's table:

- open fake orange;

- fragrant orange;

- glasses with traces of makeup (rotate until an active point appears);

- a secret button.

HISTORY: "Alonso's tricks: "The Miraculous Orange Tree."

We rise to the second floor.

In concentration mode, look attraces of blue painton the railing.

We go into the corner room on the right.

Repair in the room

  • "They knocked over a can of blue paint on the floor."

We examinethe spilled paint and board:

- a trace from the right boot of the ninth size;

- traces of paint on the floor and on the board;

- an overturned can of paint.

  • “Judging by the stain, the board was moved.”

In concentration mode, look atan empty shelf.

  • "One roll of wallpaper is missing."

The robbery at the Lane house

We leave their rooms, head to the gallery.

In concentration mode, we examine thescratches on the railing.

In the room we pay attention to theframe from under the picture.

Message on the mirror

We look at themirroron the wall:

- The writing is on the wall;

- an inscription on the mirror;

- a plate under the mirror.

  • “In place of the stolen painting, the thief hung a mirror.On it, he drew a mustache and a top hat, and also added: "The final is definitely in the Miners' Reach."

The robbery at the Lane house

We leave the room, activatethe sphere of retrospective, restore the events:

In the room being renovated, an unknown person takes a roll of wallpaper.

The unknown person moves along the board to the gallery.

In the room, an unknown person makes an inscription on the mirror.

On the board and back

  • The thief entered the house disguised as Vincent and walked along the long plank to the gallery.He cut the picture out of the frame and returned unnoticed.He then hid the canvas in a roll of wallpaper and left the house."

We go to Sir Finlay, we talk about the events that have taken place.We leave the mansion.

Robbery at the Kaf house

  • “During the performance of the Brilliant Alonso, the house of Lady Kaf was robbed.She lives on Baskerville Street, just north of the intersection with Silent Way in Grand Barn."

We leave forthe Kafov house.

We speak with Lady Kaf, standing in front of the house.

  • “While the guests were watching tricks downstairs, the thief was operating on the second floor.The Lady Kaf allowed me to investigate the crime."

We enter the house.

In the hall we look at abroken bottleof wine.

focus device

In the next room, examinethe focus device:

- a box on the left;

- saw blade;

- box on the right.

HISTORY: "Alonso's Tricks: "Devil's Saw",

  • "For the sawing trick, Alonso used a complex mechanical device with a circular saw."

magician's top hat

We examine the magician's hat lying on the chair (rotate until two active points appear).

Eternal holiday at Lady Kaf

We readnewspaperslying on the table.

Crime scene in the Kaf house

We rise to the second floor.In the exhibition room, we considerboxopenedwith a saw:

- an inscription made on the table;

- saw blade;

- opened box (in concentration mode);

- a pomegranate leaf (rotate until an active point appears).

fruit tree leaf

  • “At the crime scene, I found a leaf of a fruit tree, possibly a pomegranate.I didn’t see pomegranates in the house, which means he’s from the garden.”

We go down to the first floor, go out into the garden.

We finda pomegranate tree.

Abandoned ladder

In concentration mode, we go to a long staircase.

  • “Someone left a stepladder in Lady Cuff's garden.Perhaps the thief climbed up to the second floor on it ... ".

We follow the mental trail, we enter the barn.

We examinethe table with clothes:

- work clothes;

- boot (rotate until two active points appear)

We return to the house.

Crime scene in the Kaf house

Activatethe retrospective sphere, restore the events:

An unidentified person is sawing a chest in the exhibition room with a saw.

In the lobby, a woman drops a bottle of wine on the floor.

There is a demonstration of focus in the hall.

Brilliant coherence

  • “While the Brilliant Alonso was performing a sawing trick in front of the guests, someone upstairs demonstrated the wonders of thieves’ skill…”.

We go to Lady Kaf, we tell her about the events that have taken place.

chain of evidence

  • "The thief left three clues:

- four cards on the dressing table;

- an inscription on the mirror;

- a gardener's outfit.

We leave for the archive of the town hall of Cordona.

Set search parameters:

Period - "British (1800s)" (can be understood from the left cards);

Register - "Occupation" (gardener's suit);

District - "Miner's Limit" (final in the Miner's Limit).

Atelier Gimbala

  • “Located on Copper Street, between Lestrade Road and Farrier Street in Miners' End.The owner opened an atelier in 1878 and went bankrupt the same year.Since then, the building has been empty.

We go tothe found address.

We speak with the Brilliant Alonso.

Description of the Brilliant Alonso

Watching him:

- fake mustache;

- smooth neck;

- bandaged chest;

- female hands.

We define: "Being a woman is not a crime."

We speak with a disguised woman.

Atelier Gimbala

We enter the building, deal with the bandits.

We open the lattice door, we go down to the basem*nt.

We look at theglass cagefor butterflies.

Looking atthe table:

- sawn lock;

- alarm;

- oranges.

We studythe schemes of tricks of theBrilliant Alonso.

We pass into the next room.We approach the fireplace, look at themannequinon the chair on the right:

- a portrait instead of a head;

- "LETTER TO SHERLOCK HOLMES" by Arsene Lupine under the portrait;

- audio playback device.

stolen painting

Takethe stolen paintingfrom the chair on the left .

  • “The thief left the stolen painting so that I could “dispose of it in good conscience.”

Letter to Sherlock Holmes

  • "... I must admit, I have always sympathized with orphans, so I leave you a picture ...".

We rise to the workshop, go out into the street.

We turn to the Brilliant Alonso, decide what to tell about the thief.

We make a moral choice.

Sherlock Holmes Chapter One -Mycroft 'sPride (DLC)

Case: "Experienced informant"

The case is opened upon receipt of the "Mysterious Postcard", which must be taken from the mailbox of the Stonewood mansion.

"Mysterious Postcard"

  • “The envelope is not signed, there is a postcard inside.The postcard shows a building marked "Old Church".

We activate the evidence "Mysterious evidence".We ask questions to passers-by.

  • “I found out that the postcard shows an old Catholic church.It is in the west of Scaladi where Specde Street and Bonaparte Street meet in the west of Scaladi.

We ship to thespecified address.

We turn to the man in the cap standing on the corner on the right.

Trouble with an agent

  • “Behind the church is an unremarkable carpet shop.Its owner is our informant.He is looking for the key to the cipher used by the cordonian criminal organization ... ".

We go around the building of the basilica, we enter the carpet shop.

carpet shop kidnapping

  • “The daughter of the owner of the shop was kidnapped, and now he is like a carpet.It's useless to talk to him."

Looking at the board:

- A RUSTY KNIFE, with which a note is attached to the counter (an item in inventory - rotate until two active points appear);

- "A note from the kidnapper" (evidence);

- footprint.

We pass behind the counter, consider the sleeve torn from the clothes (we rotate until two active points appear).

Patch of work clothes

  • “Behind the counter, I found a sleeve torn from my work clothes.There are spots of some foul-smelling black substance on it.

We carry out a chemical analysis of the substance on the sleeve.

  • “The fabric is stained with creosote.They process the sleepers on the railway tracks.

We activate the evidence "Patch of work clothes", we leave the carpet shop.We turn toa person in work clothes(we determine in the concentration mode).

  • “I was told that creosote is usually stored in a railway warehouse, north of Silverton.It's where Ebornote Street and Silver Way meet."

We leave for theOld warehouse.

We listen to the conversation of two guards at the warehouse gate.

Note phrases:

- Gus McPherson

- Fresh meat;

- Railway warehouse.

Suspicious warehouse

  • “The guards are discussing human trafficking.They are waiting for a British sailor named Gus McPherson.He must come for "fresh meat".

We put on the “Sailor Uniform”, glue on “Long Whiskers” and “Long Beard” (if necessary, we buy accessories from a clothing merchant).

We speak with the guards, we pass to the warehouse.We deal with the bandits inside the warehouse.

  • “Slave traders are operating in this vile place.I was exposed, but I overpowered the guards.”

Cabinet Key

  • “I found this key in a warehouse.They can open the office door.

We move on to the next warehouse.We see people in cages suspended from the ceiling.We go up the stairs, open the door with the key.We find Nihama in the office, chained to the wall in a cage.

Looking at the table:

- WAREHOUSE KEY (inventory item);

- "Note from the leader" (evidence).

Note from the leader

  • "... And for the love of all that is holy, hide the key to the cipher!".

We activate the evidence "Note from the leader."

The missing key to the cipher (argument with John)

In concentration mode, look at the shelf, take the BOOK from it.We rotate the book until two active points appear.

  • "I found the key to the cipher."

The argument with John is won.

Suspicious warehouse

We go to the cage, free Nihama, talk to her.

  • "I saved the shop owner's daughter and freed the rest of the captives."

Case "Seasoned informant" closed

Case: "A rat on a boat"

The case is opened by re-acquiring the "Mysterious Postcard", which must be taken from the mailbox of the Stonewood mansion.

Mysterious postcard

  • “The envelope is not signed, there is a postcard inside.The postcard shows a building marked "Harbour".The text of the postcard reads: "They say there is a fishing spot in front of the building, but not only fish are caught there."

We activate the Mysterious Postcard evidence, we go to theSilverstone portarea .

We ask thesailorsa question .

  • "I found out that the postcard shows the Port Authority Building on Sherrinford Road in Scaladio."

We ship to thespecified address.

We go down to the embankment, we talk with thefisherman.

Mycroft's request

  • “…Find the person described below and his bag.Take a picture of the bag.Then go back to where you received this letter, give the photo to the agent ... ".

Description of the suspect

  • “The fugitive pretended to be a member of the polar expedition.Their ship "Pietas" is moored to the north of the port administration building ... ".

We activate the evidence "Description of the suspect."

We findthe mooring placeof the Pietas ship.Taking pictures of the bags:

- atthe ship;

-near the pier;

- at theloader;

- onthe pier;

- onthe ship.

We listen to the conversation of two loaders on the deck of the ship.

Note phrases:

- "Health problems";

- "Newbie";

- "Limps."

Description of the suspect

  • "... once injured his leg."

We look at the pictures taken, read the characteristics of the passengers.We go to the agent with a fishing rod.

We activate the evidence “Snapshot of the bag at the pier”, give it to the agent.

Rat on a boat case closed

Case: "Disappeared"

Looking in the mailbox of the Stonewood mansion for the third time, we find a letter "Mycroft's Request" in it, which opens a new case.

Mycroft's request

  • “My social circle regularly provides me with vital information to protect Her Majesty and the empire.But for three days no one has seen my good friend Ursula Oni.She serves as the senior archivist at Cordona Town Hall.She needs to be found.The information she possesses could cause irreparable damage to the empire."

We leave for the town hall of Cordona.

In the hall we speak with Meral Levy, Ursula Oni's deputy, we ask questions.

Holmes insists on inspecting Ursula's office.

Description Meral Levy

Watching Meral:

- right ear (the earring was pulled out);

- black ribbon on the chest;

- a bracelet on the left hand (made by a child);

- fingers of the right hand (scratches);

- a trace from the ring on the finger of the left hand.

We define: "Works two jobs."

We receive the KEY FROM the OFFICE of the senior archivist.We head to the office.

In concentration mode, look at thebookshelf, move the books away.


- rear wall (remove);

- "Note from R."(evidence);

- GOLDEN NECKLACE (inventory item).

Lookingat the desktop:

- box of candies;

- a list of the dead for the last century;

- lipstick (rotate until an active point appears);

- figurine.

Note from R.

  • How do you like today's newspaper?Someone found out about your deeds in the Mining Reach ... ",

We head to the editorial office of the Chronicle.

We pass into the archive.

For the evidence "Note from R," set the search parameters:

"Period" - "Recent entries";

"Section" - "leading article";

"Regions" - "Miner's Limit".

grave robbers

  • "... Unknown villains undertook to rob the graves and crypts in the cemetery of Cordona."

We activate the clue "Grave Robbers", we go tothe Cordona cemetery.

Before asking questions, we put on the "Work Apron", change the hairstyle - we take the form of a simple worker.We turn to one of the visitors to the cemetery.

Crypt near the olive tree

  • “I was told that someone had recently entered the crypt near the olive tree.There are broken gargoyles at the entrance to this crypt."

We activate the evidence "Crypt at the olive tree", we go to theolive tree.

Tree photo (argument with John)

  • “John asked me to take a picture of an old tree before we leave the cemetery.

We find an active point on the trunk of an old tree,take a picture.

MEMORY- "Near-death experience".

The argument with John is won.

Looted Crypt

We enter the crypt with broken gargoyles.

  • "This crypt has indeed been looted."

We look at theslab of the sarcophagus(“A bloody handprint is visible on the slab”).

We examine the shovelthrown to the floor(“The shovel served as a weapon”).

We examinethe cover ofanother sarcophagus:

- earth from a shovel;

- drops of blood.

We activate the sphere of retrospective, we restore the events that took place here in chronological order:

Ursula Oni slaps the unknown.

An unknown person hits Ursula with a shovel.

The unknown person pushes back the lid of the sarcophagus.Ursula's body lies nearby.

Eternal peace

  • “…Most likely, her body is around here somewhere.”

We activate the evidence "Eternal rest".We movethe lid of the sarcophagus, we examine the body of Ursula they:

- a suitcase with treasures at the feet;

- an earring near the right hand;

- nails on the fingers of the left hand;

- a wound on the face.

  • “I found the body of Ursula in the tomb.She scratched the attacker and tore the earring out of his ear.”

We repulse the attack of the appeared bandits.We leave the cemetery, move to the town hall.

Sherlock finds Meral Levy leaving the building in a hurry.He gives her her earring.

We agree to listen to Meral's story.

We make a moral choice.

Letter to Mycroft

Note.The text of the letter depends on the decision made.

We leave for the Stonewood mansion, drop the letter into the mailbox.

Report sent

  • "I sent Mycroft a letter outlining everything I learned."

Case "Disappeared" closed

Case: "On a coin"

The case is opened after examining a book with slots for coins and Mycroft's letter lying on the table, in a room with a fireplace on the second floor.

Mycroft's letter

  • “You complained about being bored and wanted to play… I’m sure you already found the map and noticed the symbol drawn on the letter.Your task is to find the same symbol in the places marked on the map.

Collection of coins

  • “Mycroft hid some unique coins on the island… Mycroft made a map that marked the caches.In each of them, he left a hint with further instructions.To get to the clue, you need to find the symbol from his letter.

We leave the house, open the map.We determinethe locationof the first clue, heading there.

Hidden coin #1

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In concentration mode, we find a symbol on the monument of one of the graves.We takethe case with a hintfrom the monument.We activate the evidence "Hidden coin No. 1", we move along the suggested route, referring to the map:

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (DLC) | Adventure Gamers (6)

- crossroads at the main entrance to the cemetery;

- intersection of Ripper Street and Harbor Avenue;

- junction of Moran Road and Bee Lane.

Find COIN 1 in thestuffed fish.

COLLECTIONS (COINS)- 12 sequins.

Hidden coin #2

We head to the place witha clue 2.

In concentration mode, we find a symbol on the wall of the house.The case with the hint lies onthe gate leafleaning against the wall of the house .

  • “... There is a curious place in Miners' End where three different streets have the same name - Bloody Road ... Between the three streets there is a city block.On the porch of one of the buildings in this quarter, under a loose floorboard, you will find a coin.

We activate the evidence "Hidden coin number 2".We ask a question about the location of Bloody Street to local residents, using disguise and concentration mode.

  • "Fishermen call the Bloody Hound Road."
  • Wolves call Bloody Bridge Road.
  • "The Know Calls Bloody Po Lane"

We go in search.We find a coin under thefloorboard of the porch.


Hidden coin #3

We are looking for the locationof the third clueon the map .In the concentration mode, we findthe symbol.We find a case with a hint on the side of the fountain in the gazebo.

  • “There are two places in the Grand Barn that have been causing a lot of trouble for police patrols for a long time... The second (place) is at a similar building near the intersection of Veren Street and Bskerville Street... I hid the coin in this third place, in the facility that the vandals used for communication."

On the map, we determine two points, which are mentioned in the hint.

We compare their location with the direction of movement of the patrol, approximately determinethe object, which is visible from the other two points.We find a coin under the objecton the bridge.


Hidden coin #4

We determine thelocationof clue number 4 on the map, we head there.

In concentration mode, we find a symbol on thewall of the building.Fromthe railing of the balconywe take the case with clue number 4.

  • “... I quickly determined the place where the shots were fired from, and I saw a policeman at the gate next to Vernet Street, who was interrogating a suspicious person in crumpled clothes ... there, by two trees, you will find a coin.Seek in the roots of that which is lower."

We activate the evidence "Hidden coin number 4".We determine on the map theapproximate placewhere the shooter was detained.

We find coin number 4 underthe tree.


Hidden coin #5

We leave for thelocationof clue number 5.We findthe symbol, look into thebroken vase.

  • "The clue should have been in a vase in the square."

We activate the evidence "Hidden coin number 5".In concentration mode, look at the trace left near the vase.We follow the trail of the vandal who broke the vase.We finda case with a note.

  • “... Between these points (the area where the note was found and next to the guest house) there is a bridge.Behind one of the stones at the base of the bridge, I hid a coin.

With evidence still active, we are interrogating friendly residents.

  • "The guest house is located at the intersection of Glass Street and Queen Street."

We head to the guest house.

On the way, we examinethe base of the bridge, we find a coin.


Hidden coin #6

We leave for thelocationof clue number 6.We findthe symbol, take the case with the note fromthe tree branch.

  • “... there is no better place for weaving intrigues than the Heritage Theater.For long hours I watched through a spyglass behind one of the back entrances to the theater….I hid this coin inside a toy boat, and left it on the water under my observation post.

We leave for the theater "Heritage", we study its courtyard facade.We define back entrances, andplacesfrom where they can be viewed.

We determine that this is a house with a balcony.In the drained channel we find a boat with a coin.


Hidden coin #7

We go toclue number 7.We find the symbol on thewall.Fromthe boxes on the cornerof the house we take away the case with a hint.

  • “In the mornings, I often looked into the coffee shop visited by the employees of the Ramir house, and slowly walked along the street, admiring the view of the high tower ....A little further, in front of the large gate, I turned through the archway into the courtyard, sat down under a large tree ... You will find your reward in the roots of this tree.

We activate the evidence "Strange coin No. 7".We change clothes, ask the sympathetic inhabitants of the quarter about the coffee shop.

  • “The coffee shop was located on Bazaar Road, between the Gul-Afshar caravanserai and the mosque of Imam Zahir.

We find a coffee shop, look at the high tower.Heading into the alleyopposite the coffee shop, turn under the arch into the courtyard.

We find acoin underthe tree .

COLLECTIONS (COINS)– silver grosso.

Hidden coin #8

We move forclue number 8.We noticethe symbolon the stone fence, we find a case with a note underthe tree.

  • “Turkish coffee house Gelenksel kahve is a place where you can communicate with representatives of different families and exchange news….Around the coffee shop are the symbols of the three phases of the moon... Follow the moon, starting with growth and going through the cycle until you find a mark on the tree.There, between the roots, a coin is hidden.

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (DLC) | Adventure Gamers (7)Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (DLC) | Adventure Gamers (8)

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (DLC) | Adventure Gamers (9)Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (DLC) | Adventure Gamers (10)

We go along the streets, look at the symbols on the walls of houses.

We go down to the square, we find a coin under one of thetrees.


Hidden coin #9

We go forclue number 9.We find the symbol on thefence.We go into the courtyard, takea case with a hint.

  • “Miner's Limit and Silverton are connected by a railroad.I hid the coin where the road meets the sea."

We trace the railway from the Miner's Limit on the map, determinethe location of thecoin.We head to the selected point, we find a coin near thedead end stop.

COLLECTIONS (COINS)– double florin.

Hidden coin #10

We are heading forclue number 10.We see a symbolon the wall , we takea case with a hintfrom the boxes.

  • “... There is a former warehouse in Silverton where soldiers come to play dice.This place is well known to both officers and privates - they call it the Black Goose Club.I hid the coin inside.To find it, you must always bet on "black".

We activate the evidence "Hidden Coin No. 10", we change into naval uniforms.We ask a question about the club to sympathetic soldiers or sailors.

  • "The club is located in a warehouse on Grange Street, north of the junction with Abernot Street...".

We head to thelocationof the warehouse.We goinsidethe building.Dealing with bandits.We examine theworkbenchnear the wall on the left:

-DOCUMENTS- "The last note of the diary";

- coin.


Coin Case Closed

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (DLC) | Adventure Gamers (2024)


How do you start the DLC in Sherlock Holmes chapter 1? ›

To start you have to have completed the main story case 'A Gilded Cage'. Beyond a Joke: Eavesdrop of two people talking under the bridge on Baskerville Road, a little north of Silent Way (near the Church of St. Nicholas fast travel point).

How long does it take to complete Sherlock Holmes Chapter 1? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One is about 13 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 29½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Is Sherlock Holmes Chapter One hard? ›

The mysteries are complex, interesting, and enjoyable. Chapter One offers fun locations to investigate and colorful characters to interrogate. Some of these mysteries require a bit of thought to parse, and while it's never completely inscrutable, the game does have its tough moments.

Do choices matter in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One? ›

Most of the time, it doesn't really matter which conclusion you come to. Many of the cases, including the main storyline ones, end ambiguously — an element continuing from Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishment. Whoever you point the finger at will often admit to doing it.

Can you skip combat in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One? ›

It's the Esc key, but you need to keep it held down. Look at the bottom of your game screen at the little rectangle.

Can you get the cases wrong in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One? ›

Yes, you can definitely accuse the wrong person, like in Sherlock Holmes Crimes and Punishments, for example. In each main quest you'll have several different suspects, and usually you can make deductions that either of them could be responsible for the crime.

Is Sherlock Holmes Chapter One fun? ›

Verdict. Sherlock Holmes Chapter One presents an interesting set of mysteries to solve, but its open-world setting doesn't really elevate its familiar investigation gameplay to a substantial enough degree, and its combat sections are uniformly dull and repetitive.

Is there a sequel to Sherlock Holmes Chapter One? ›

A remake of the 2007 adventure of the same name, Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened has been rebuilt using the same engine that powered Chapter One, and its plot has been retooled slightly in order to make it fit in as a direct sequel to that 2021 origin story. The friendship between Holmes and Dr.

How many main cases are in Sherlock Holmes Chapter 1? ›

Elsewhere, Frogwares reveals the number of total cases that Holmes and Watson will be undertaking throughout Chapter One. It turns out there are five main cases making up the overarching main story, and at least three cases populating the island in the form of side missions.

Is John real in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One? ›

Plot. In 1880, ten years after the passing of his mother, Violet Holmes, 21-year-old Sherlock Holmes returns to the island of Cordona alongside his childhood imaginary friend, Jon.

Can a 12 year old read Sherlock Holmes? ›

Answer and Explanation: The original Sherlock Holmes stories and novels are appropriate for kids in about grades 4 and up. The reading level of the books is approximately a guided reading level of Z and a Lexile level of 1080L, although the level varies from story to story.

Is Sherlock Holmes 1 and 2 connected? ›

While the film took place a year after the events of the first film, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows was intended to be a stand-alone film that did not require knowledge of the previous movie.

Who has a crush on Sherlock? ›

Irene is just as brilliant as Sherlock, being about to outwit him repeatedly; however, she also ends up falling in love with him, which proves to be her downfall. She sends Sherlock a series of flirtatious texts, repeatedly requesting to "have dinner" with him.

Is Sherlock Holmes Chapter One Deluxe Edition worth it? ›

Although, as I said, the cases are really intriguing, fascinating even. Overall, I would recommend this game. One can lean back and enjoy the story with their feet up and live through the youth of Sherlock Holmes with pleasure!

Who is the main antagonist in Sherlock Holmes Chapter 1? ›

Professor James Moriarty is a fictional character and criminal mastermind created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to be a formidable enemy for the author's fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. He was created primarily as a device by which Doyle could kill Holmes and end the hero's stories.

How to start M for mystery DLC? ›

The quest line will start automatically after the first main case (Ghosts of the Past) and combat tutorial have been completed.

What is the requirement for Sherlock Holmes Chapter One? ›

Memory: 12 GB RAM. Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 960, 4 GB or AMD Radeon R9 380, 4 GB. DirectX: Version 11. Storage: 28 GB available space.

How do I start Mycroft's pride? ›

The quest line becomes available after the player receives a letter from Mycroft at Sherlock's Manor. The second main quest (A Gilded Cage), and a side quest (Love, Death, and Cordona) must have been completed.

What happens in the first chapter of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes? ›

Following the death of his mother, Violet, the young detective returns to his childhood home on the Mediterranean island of Cordona. There, Holmes uncovers a sinister conspiracy lurking beneath the surface of a seemingly idyllic town where corruption and crime are rampant, and the locals shun outsiders.

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