Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (2024)

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Tuesday, July 23, 2024. and airs one day ahead in Canada.We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

On the last episode of Y&R, Sally demanded answers from Chelsea, and Billy Interrogated Adam.


Billy visits Lily in her office. He has a surprise for her.

Lily makes multiple guesses and admits to being a “Swifty” (a Taylor Swift fan).

Billy is like a kid at Christmas but Lily is speechless when he reveals the gift. It’s a golf putter.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (2)

Sally tells Adam that he can share anything with her. She can sense he is holding something back and encourages him to talk to her.

Adam claims it’s Connor and the new job. He wishes he could fix it all but he can’t.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (3)

Sally hates all that for him but insists this is different. She is picking up a tension vibe from him, which is different and new. She wants to figure out what’s behind it.

Adam reminds her that he gave her a long list of things. She suggests one thing is missing from the list and wants to know if she has done something to upset him.

Sharon’s House

Sharon is alone and stands at the mantle, looking at photographs. Her cell phone notifies her of an incoming text message.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (4)

She is puzzled by Mariah’s message concerning a meeting. She types a response asking for clarification on the meeting but deletes it before sending it.

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Nick knocks at the door. Sharon assumes, incorrectly, that he is there to see Faith and informs him she’s not there. Nick clarifies that he’s there to see her.

Sharon says it must be her lucky day and wonders what’s up.

Nick says it’s time they talked about what’s going on with her.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (6)

Newman Enterprises

Victoria and Victor read over the press release updating the changes to the empire.

Victor insists it’s great and focuses on the strength of their family loyalty.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (7)

Victoria calls out her father’s not-so-subtle jab at Jack Abbott when he mentions their strength in coming together as other family empires are breaking up.

Victoria requests that he wait to release the news until they have time to work out a few details. Nikki enters and warmly greets them. Victor calls foul and wants to know what the mother-daughter pair is up to now.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (8)

Sharon’s House

Nick points out that the food on the table looks familiar. He saw Sharon pick it up hours ago, yet she hasn’t touched it. He jokingly asks if she still eats.

Sharon reminds him he saw her eat a kale salad the other night. She digs in the bag and says it’s the perfect excuse to take a break from work.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (9)

Nick calls out that she’s steering the conversation away from her. Sharon admits she’s been a little out of sorts because of her workload and her medication adjustment period. The medication is still being tweaked but she is getting better at delegating at work.

Nick wants to discuss what happened earlier at Society.

Sharon points out that there was a time when he would not have batted an eye at her snapping at Phyllis, but it’s because Phyllis knows how to press all of Sharon’s buttons.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (10)

Sharon figures she will return to her “normal, sweet self” once her medication adjustment levels out.

Nick is worried because she’s been in this adjustment period for a while now. Sharon claims she has a great doctor who consistently checks on her. She promises he is on top of it and she will be fine.

Sharon says it’s nice knowing how much Nick cares about her.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (11)

Newman Enterprises

Victoria clarifies to her father that it’s not just her and her mother… There are three of them since Nick is included.

Victor shrugs. He’s not surprised.

Victoria tells her father they need assurance that Nikki will get her job back when she is ready to return, and Nikki states she prefers to get the details in writing.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (12)

Victor assures them he has a plan, and it will take its course.

Victoria can’t believe he expects them to settle for that response.

Nikki points out how Victor knows what stock he plans to buy ten weeks in advance.

Victoria and Nikki believe he knows the course and doesn’t want to share the details with them. Nikki thinks the plan is for Adam to end up keeping her job.

Victor chuckles at how he has the both of them acting so curious.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (13)


Lily wants to know why Billy is giving her a golf putter, and Billy reminds her that he does his best brainstorming while on the greens.

Lily recalls Chance talking about strategically incorporating creative thinking spots inside the corporate walls.

Lily accepts the gift and insists she will beat “Tiger” at his own game. Billy laughs and notes the golfing joke.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (14)

Adam tries to assure Sally that she is not causing him stress.

Sally insists they are in this together.

Adam apologizes if Sally feels slighted. She points out that their fight wasn’t that ugly, but she wants to know if something else happened.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (15)

Adam tells her he made a mistake with Chelsea following Connor’s relapse. Sally wants to know what he did.

Adam says his hopes were high but then crushed when Connor relapsed. He tells Sally he was weak and took his frustrations out on the mother of his son; it’s unforgivable, and he treated her horribly.

Sally is certain Chelsea understands and mentions how she saw her earlier and Chelsea didn’t mention anything about it.

Adam says Chelsea is a much better person than he is. He tells Sally that Billy visited him earlier, and he was forced to admit the details to him. He feels awful and knows Sally and Billy deserve this explanation. Adam recognizes he has been pushing Sally away and insists he will make it up to her.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (16)


Lily and Billy golf in the office. Lily gloats at her hole-in-one, and Billy says he will beat her.

Billy admits to trying to charm her and claims it’s important for them to be on the same page, and he plans on them being partners for a long time.

Lily says she’s going to hold him to that promise.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (17)

Sharon’s House

Nick points out to Sharon that he did most of the eating.

Sharon says she was trying to save some for Faith. She says she’s proud of Faith and admits they came close to losing her like they did Cassie.

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Nick suggests that her thoughts don’t have to take that negative path. He says it’s easy for memories to resurface.

Sharon wonders how he can be so cautious and fun at once. They agree that parenting is a never-ending role, and Sharon asks about Summer and how she’s doing.

Nick shares that Summer is considering a battle for custody of Harrison and it doesn’t help that Phyllis is fanning the flames.

That sounds about right to Sharon. In her opinion, Phyllis will pounce on anything involving others and not just concerning her children.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (19)

Newman Enterprises

Victor accuses his wife and daughter of blindsiding him with new conditions.

Nikki insists they are not ganging up on him. She advises that Adam is concerned as well.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (20)

Victor is surprised Nikki spoke with Adam and wants to know what terms they discussed.

Victoria claims that clarifying the roles will benefit the entire family. Nikki knows Victor but stresses she will not work alongside Adam if that is his ultimate goal.

Victoria insists that she and Nick are not entertained with the idea of partnering with Adam at Newman Enterprises, either.

Victor figures they must think they have him over a barrel since he’s ready to release the press statements.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (21)

Sharon’s House

Nick insists to Sharon that Phyllis means well and doesn’t believe there is any harm with Phyllis talking to Faith.

Sharon reminds him that this is not always true. She says Phyllis has a way of putting her foot in her mouth.

Sharon says she and Nick have weathered a lot of storms together, and Hurricane Phyllis was the center of almost all those storms.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (22)

Newman Enterprises

Victor says he wanted this to be a surprise, but since they have forced his hand, he agrees to share everything with them. Victor texts for Adam and Nick to join them.

Nikki doesn’t want to wait for Adam and Nick, and Victoria wants to know what her father is up to.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (23)

Victor’s text message interrupts Sally and Adam’s conversation. Sally points out the notification, but Adam claims she is more important.

Sally says this makes sense and is sure that Chelsea isn’t holding this against him.

Adam is looking for a way to deal with his emotions and never intended to hurt anyone. He doesn’t want to provide any details and suggests they try to move on from it.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (24)

Sharon’s House

Sharon suggests to Nick that Phyllis likely stirred up some painful emotions for her, and Sharon is an easy target. She admits to thinking a lot about Cassie lately.

Nick wonders why Sharon’s been thinking of Cassie so much. Sharon suggests that it might be because she named the company after her and works on projects in Cassie’s honor, which serves as a constant reminder that she’s not here. Sharon sees Mariah and the baby and notes that it’s sad Cassie will never have that experience.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (25)

Nick points out that they are coming up on twenty years without her. Sharon is emotional and says some days are easier than others. Nick points out how those “Other Days” are his worry and wants her to reach out to him because he is there for her.

Sharon insists she will work through all this and thanks Nick for his concern.

Nick gets Victor’s message and shares that his father has beckoned. He also notes that Adam is on the group text.

Sharon wonders what that is all about. She thanks Nick again for stopping by and walks him out.

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Billy and Lily discuss Chance. Billy feels like Chance is constantly watching him and thinks it’s the cop in him.

Lily likes Chance and insists they keep him around, even if it prevents Billy from making shady business deals.

Billy gets a message from Chelsea. He says he could wring Adam’s neck right now.

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Adam heads over to his phone and tells Sally she is dissecting everything he says now. He regrets how he treated Chelsea and wants to leave it at that. He hopes Sally feels the same way.

Sally agrees. She has a meeting with Summer and excuses herself. Adam wants to know if they are good. She tells him they are and exits.

Adam sighs in relief, thinking he successfully defused the situation. Sally stands outside his office door and appears more worried than ever.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (28)

Newman Enterprises

Nikki tells Victor the wait is killing them.

Victor encourages their patience will pay off.

Adam enters and wonders if this is an entire family firing.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (29)

Victor shares with the group that Adam will be the new, permanent CEO of Newman Media.

Nikki knew he was going to do this and is ticked off, and Victoria points out how wrong this is. Nikki questions how Victor can do something like this to her, knowing how much she loves Newman Media.


Billy shares with Lily that if he is reading the situation correctly, Adam took all his anger and frustration about Connor’s situation out on Chelsea, but Chelsea won’t talk to Billy about it.

Lily says that’s a new low, even for Adam. Lily defends Chelsea and suggests it is difficult being a mom.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (30)

Billy agrees and says he must apologize to Lily for accusing her of attempting to double-cross him. He tells her she is a good person and should be treated accordingly.

Lily says they both likely have doubts about each other but agree this is where she needs to be.

Sharon’s House

Sharon sits alone on the sofa and stares off past the laptop. She thinks she hears knocking at the door and answers it to find Nick has returned.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (31)

Sharon asks if Nick if he forgot something.

Nick doesn’t say anything. He grabs Sharon and pulls her in for a kiss.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (32)

Newman Enterprises

Nick enters the offices at Newman Enterprises, and Victor greets him. Nick can feel the tension in the room and wonders what’s going on.

Nikki is quick to point out the news about Adam’s permanent position.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (33)

Nick wants to know how Adam pulled that off, but Adam insists this is the first he’s heard of it.

Victor says they can stop acting like he’s deceiving them, as they will soon find out. Victor explains that he is in the process of acquiring a company that’s almost as big as Newman.

Adam’s surprised his father would admit a company like that exists.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (34)

Victor says it does exist, and it’s Nikki’s to run.

Nikki thinks this is some consolation prize. She has no connection and no familiarity with it.

Victor quickly corrects her and informs her that her good friend Katherine Chancellor is looking down from Heaven in approval. Nikki and the siblings are shocked as Victor tells her she is about to take control of Chancellor Industries.


Billy and Lily continue to golf and talk. He insists that Abbott-Chancellor will soon take off in ways Katherine and Jill never thought.

Lily agrees and is excited.

Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (35)

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Y&R Recap - July 23: Sharon’s Delusions Grow as Victor Makes Adam Permanent CEO of Newman Media and Reveals Nikki Will Run Chancellor Industries (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.