SpiritWars Carrie's on where InfoWars leaves off JEREMIAH 21 (2024)

  • In the time of the end, there shall be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars.

  • The hearts of men, failing them for fear, in the time of the end.

  • And this must fall of the king, shall be preached in all the world, for a witness.

  • This gospel shall be preached unto all nations, to take only then shall the end go.

  • We're living in the time of the end.

  • We're living in the time of the end.

  • We're living in the time of the end.

  • We're living in the time of the end.

  • Yes, my friends.

  • Yes, new, welcome.

  • Welcome to the desert of the real.

  • We are living in the time of the end, my folks.

  • Welcome, this is Michael Basham here in a late night, front lines, spirit wars, spirit force report.

  • A lot is happening tonight, my friends.

  • This is the 9th of June, Sunday, 2024.

  • I stand here at the height of the Smoky Mountains, out of the stars.

  • Microphones have been donated to this ministry, and I've found myself standing out in the desert of the real, with just a phone that has also been donated.

  • Kind of getting used to living in a miracle, in fact all the jobs that we have out here are also miracles, but what I want to share with you is not my own testimony, it doesn't matter who I am, you don't need to know my story.

  • I've got a million testimonies, and I share them from time to time, and it is through the blood of Christ and our testimony that we do prevail.

  • But sometimes we need to step back and look at the big picture here, because it really looks as though after gosh, nearly three decades, the valiant warrior, Alex Jones, info wars.

  • In his own words has become, has fulfilled his mission objective, I should say in my words, but in his words has become, I hesitate to even say the words out loud, but obsolete.

  • Like the Terminator, coming back in time to save John Connor, and saying I am of absolute desire, as the T1000 is trying to take out Sarah Connor and John Connor, the leader of the future resistance.

  • This amazing passing of the torch that is taking place, and it was never about Alex Jones, you have to understand that info wars wasn't about one man, was always about the message, the people that passed the torch to him.

  • He was just the guy that had that good old fashioned hard work in Texan, get up at 5 a .m.

  • and work the farm and plow through and stand stalwart with that stoic face continuously, unafraid, actually enjoying the fight, the gladiator in the ring, that inspired people like Trump, people like Tucker Carlson, people like Joe Rogan to stand up in there, in their spheres of influence.

  • And here's Alex Jones, waning sort of except it's just making him grow bigger.

  • Oh, info wars is crashing like the Enterprise crashing to the planet at that, in that last great but not very lucrative starship enterprise movie, Star Trek, whatever it was called.

  • Great movie, by the way, the last Star Trek movie, with the younger cast, I forget what it's called, but like it just makes the story even cooler to watch info wars crash into the planet, but here's the scary part, you and I fellow warriors, spirit warriors.

  • We're up next, I hope you guys have some armor on, I hope you've been reading your Bibles, we're going to read a chapter out of the Bible tonight, and it's significant that we're reading Jeremiah this month.

  • I do a chapter or two a night, and we've gone through many books in the Bible, and I don't want to become one of those, well, here's your 10 minutes of Bible today, you know, get going.

  • Kind of podcasts.

  • In fact, sometimes I'll rant for like an hour and a half, and then it's like, well, we should probably read the Bible now, because all these dots need to be connected.

  • All these different things, these separate issues, these, but the book of Jeremiah really encapsulates the fall of Jerusalem, a wicked kind of an America Babylon system that has forsaken God and pursued idols, given up their heritage, open the doors to Roe versus Wade of their day, open the doors to every unspeakable evil that was taking place in their time and in our time.

  • So it's good to read Jeremiah, and we just read yesterday about how they were preparing to persecute Jeremiah big time, and to not listen to, not listen to anything he was saying.

  • So it's like, we're not just going to not listen Alex Jones, we're going to get rid of him, we're going to put him in jail, we're going to take away info words.

  • Let's get rid of Jeremiah the prophet, because that really worked out for Israel back 2 ,500 years ago.

  • I don't think people realize how historic, how circular, how recycled these historical events are.

  • The Bible is a history book, and you're about to witness history reoccur in a way that, I mean, it wasn't like every person in Jerusalem died, the power structure of the country was carried off to Babylon, the people survived.

  • The righteous Daniel and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego likely were eunuchs, but that doesn't sound much worse than what Americans are making themselves into anyway, you know, castrating their sons and eating harmful food that just essentially renders your prodigy useless anyway.

  • But into the Bible and into the bigger picture here in the structure of what's happening as Alex Jones passes the torch, the countless info warriors that are doing the job that Alex Jones did and only did, he becomes obsolete in a good way.

  • Others are doing his work, he doesn't have to be the guy that stays up, stays up all night and gets up early to do those things.

  • You can't count how many people are doing that job and alas, it's not enough.

  • It's not enough, and we have this huge, as he's been saying, there's this giant global awakening of populism and the New World Order is extremely unpopular and nobody wants this.

  • And even the Netflix shows and Amazon and my dad and I just finished fallout and the last episode of the first season, it's just all the transhumanist agenda, it's all the garbage and blatant.

  • Like, yeah, you want to know what's why the world is in the shape it's in?

  • Well, these things, these people and pods, these underground bases, the nuclear war that was prefabricated and everything.

  • It was all planned 200 years ago.

  • Well, that's what Jay Dyer says all the time when he reads transhumanist papers from 100 years ago.

  • We've shared a little bit about GK Chesterton.

  • I like to look at that stuff through the sieve of faith and Chesterton is my submersible to get into that realm.

  • You know, an actual Christian man with wit and love and knowledge of the word and faith and then destroying the arguments of eugenics and feminism and all the things.

  • I mean, eugenics as in like HG Wells, New World Order kind of stuff, like the very beginning of it in our modern life.

  • That's how I like to read those books.

  • Other people have time.

  • They have the stamina, I guess, to look into the abyss and to just read.

  • It's like sitting down and just having a nice cup of coffee in the morning.

  • And instead of reading the Bible, you open up a nice big pile of filthy, Alistair Crowley and you just start sucking down those maggots.

  • And you find out that indeed they are toxic.

  • And then you can tell everybody how gross maggots taste.

  • I would rather read the Bible or go through knowledge of the evil one through the sieve of the prophets.

  • That's why Alex Jones is a great source.

  • That's why GK Chesterton, great source.

  • But alas, they were not enough to stop them.

  • Chesterton strove valiantly.

  • The Alex Jones of his day, a hundred years ago.

  • Even Alistair Crowley talked about Chesterton as the ultimate saint, warrior, the defender of the faith, the ultimate crusader of his generation.

  • And Chesterton would not even mention Crowley by name to not give him any notoriety.

  • He was writing articles back in the day and those articles would become books and you can read those books.

  • But it's obvious from Crowley's perspective through a poem that he wrote about Chesterton that he was indeed very interested in getting to meet him.

  • And Chesterton wrote a book or wrote an article that was obviously about Crowley, but not mentioning it by name.

  • And oddly enough, that exchange mentioned Waikiki Hawaii, where I lived at the time that William Ramsey, excellent podcast journalist, investigative attorney, who we've collaborated with throughout the years.

  • A few times on the fringe radio network as well.

  • William Ramsey personally told me about this exchange that he somehow dug up as we were talking about Chesterton.

  • And I think those were probably some of the more intellectual shows that were actually pretty good back in 2019 that are worth listening to if you ever want to go and dig up old stuff.

  • The internet has just proliferated information to the extent that nobody has time to go back and look at any old stuff and everything has to be today, today, what's happening now?

  • Now, what's, well, I forgot about what happened yesterday, but oh wow, well Shakespeare, but you know, but what about right now on TikTok with the two second thing?

  • Well, two seconds is too long.

  • What about one second videos?

  • One second, just how about half second videos?

  • Because with these new quantum chips, you can just like download and you can enjoy a video that used to take two seconds, but now it only takes one second.

  • So basically life is over as you know it.

  • You can't enjoy a sunset, the sound of the rain, you have to be, what's the next thing?

  • The internet has destroyed the sense of knowledge or the ability to even remember things that you've heard.

  • Everybody is turning into a bunch of goldfish, a bunch of guppies, and forget trying to have a conversation with most people today because most people don't listen.

  • They won't even hear what you're saying.

  • They're just like, what?

  • Okay, you just poured out your whole soul to them.

  • You said something so transcendent and you expose some wisdom and you realize, you change the subject, deflect narcissistic deflect.

  • Okay, changing to totally different thing.

  • People just don't listen anymore.

  • And it's a sign of trauma and everybody's been traumatized.

  • So don't blame the person, but realize that you live in a world where everybody is essentially, they've got a goldfish attention span.

  • And they're like the goldfish in the goldfish bowl where like 15 out of 20 goldfish are all dead and stinking and rotting and they survived.

  • And that's kind of true.

  • So everybody has that kind of latent trauma.

  • So that's why we have these podcasts.

  • You can talk to each other and spill your beans and then get back to your core, your center, which is in this case, the spirit war, the spirit force.

  • What is that?

  • What are we doing here?

  • Well, as Alex Jones formally bows out, but it's still around.

  • Like, I remember when Steve Quail said he was quitting his podcast and that made Steve Quail bigger than anything ever.

  • Like Steve Quail, the legend who just shows up wherever he wants at any time, wherever he goes, oh, make a man.

  • Okay, Steve Quail, marathon, a Hagman report.

  • It's Steve Quail.

  • Everybody tunes in.

  • Everybody follows Steve Quail, Steve Quail .com.

  • But he used to have a show that he was in charge of and then he was like, look, guys, good night.

  • It's happening.

  • It's here.

  • They're coming after us and I'm quitting my podcast.

  • So if you want to follow me, I might come on a show or two.

  • Of course, things were postponed.

  • And as Terminator said, you know, John Connor, judgment day could not be averted.

  • You could only be postponed.

  • So that's where we're at.

  • It's, you know, judgment day was, we were thinking it was 2012 or whatever is 28 and 2008.

  • And it kind of was.

  • We saw the economic disasters begin.

  • A lot of people woke up and but it's not just because it didn't happen when some guy running around with a billboard or a podcast or a YouTube channel said it might happen.

  • Only the extremely dumb guys said it absolutely would happen.

  • It doesn't mean that it won't happen and it's great that you can have kids and raise them up to a certain age to where they can run because we might need to run at some point.

  • I'm believing in claiming that we won't need to run that will be the people of God who will be the ones to whom those who are running will run to because the Bible talks about a man of faith being as a tree whose leaf does not wither.

  • In any season because your roots are planted by the river of life and the water of life and the word of God produces life that cannot be extinguished by the darkness or death because it's so full of life.

  • You just can't beat that kind of guy.

  • So back to the spirit war becoming the continuation of the indian foe war.

  • Spiritual warfare is what the Sun Salvadorian president or the Salvadorian whatever else Salvador's president who the media is decrying as this new dictator of course because he's like one of the new populace leaders who's wildly popular.

  • Well he won by an 80 % majority vote so he's definitely a Nazi dictator guy.

  • Yeah kind of like Trump just absolutely popular everybody votes for him despite all the fraud the big bangsters they can't beat him.

  • He goes on Tucker Carlson my dad and I watched his interview yesterday.

  • And you just see the glow of this man and you see I could talk about him for hours and just that interview but a key statement that he made about how they arrested tens of thousands of murderous gang members that were spawned from L .A. and shipped down to South America especially El Salvador the murder capital of the world he said more dangerous than Afghanistan and any other war country you can imagine just El Salvador that's where you go if you want to get murdered to now one of the safest countries in the world in a few short years.

  • And Tucker's like giving him every my dad was saying well you know he gives him every opportunity to kind of for lack of a better term ball fondle himself like well how did you do it what you do and you know all the dudes all the podcast dudes we like to do this is like Alex Jones and Steve quail and Mike Adams and Joe Rogan everybody's liking to just bro love love love fest well you're you're big you're big you're great you're just awesome and you know what this president of El Salvador says that it was all a miracle because it's a spiritual war we found out that there was satanic sacrifice going on amongst these gangsters.

  • So and it seemed like an impossible situation so we prayed in these meetings we prayed and we ask God to help us and and then we just did the logical thing equip the police get the military involved give the military proper tools put some fear into these gang members because gang members are usually they're slowly people when not face with any resistance but you face a gangster you face a new world order right or a deep statish kind of person or these people that that sneak into your town like Wayne'sville for example like full of witches now this little beautiful town in the mountains where I live I don't live in the town but Wayne'sville North Carolina full of witches why because the Christians and the Republicans and the so -called even true Democrats they're just lazy they're just bored and tired and just doing their thing and old and somehow the younger generation aren't involved and it's just the bad guys come in and take over but once you get a powerful army to stand up for you stand up against them they flip out go back to November of this last year and listen to the team Wayne'sville podcast with Stephanie Sutton and Joey Reese though he did in studio and some of the in studio actual like town hall meetings with them where they decry and they expose the corruption and like the whole town freaked out because even just a couple local people willing to run for office on their own dime local people retired police officers and sheriffs and business owners and you know on their off time running for office but teaming up team Wayne'sville absolutely freaked out the establishment the out of state out of county funded decrepit gross greedy Wayne'sville government which the witches all promote which the pedophiles promote which all the the trans weirdos and most of them are just medicated lovely sweet needing prayer people which we pray for but truly the info war came to Wayne'sville and we were a part of it you guys were a part of it all y 'all that I've ever donated to this endeavor I've been a part of it and experiencing that and finding out that really truly the only way to overcome in local politics even in a tiny little like a tiny sleepy little town on a Saturday night no bars open my dad and I wanted to go out and just get a drink somewhere like 11 o 'clock on a Saturday night no places open just a very old sleepy little town and it's full of witchcraft really interesting and since you know about where I live I might as well mention another weird thing that the Canton paper mill closed down last year and that led to a lot of people getting desperate and repenting and praying praying for forgiveness and they thought it was because the paper mill closed down the only loss of economy this big giant juggernaut huge industrial megalopolis thing that just produced all kinds of contamination and not that it was in itself bad but I had a weird encounter late at night where my car broke down and this Indian spirit approached me this like Indian chief Cherokee spirit out of nowhere I'm just sitting in my car waiting for the engine to cool down and it wasn't creepy wasn't spooky I was just in the Lord I was in the spirit I was praising I was happy and I'm just sitting there in the quiet in the darkness of beautiful dark in the beautiful countryside pure pure mountains like barely touched countryside and this is before anything happened this is like a year ago and this voice in my heart bubbled up and I had a vision of a Cherokee Indian and he said there are things taking place at the paper mill which you don't know about and then it stopped and went away and I'm just sitting there waiting for my engine to cool down so I can pour some more water in the radiator and get home it was like did I just hallucinate something I mean I felt good like the Holy Spirit always gives you there's like this honey bomb loveliness that just it almost feels too good to be true you're like why do I feel so happy and nice and good and that's how I felt when I went I stumbled into a hotel lobby when I was late for another job somewhere else and I just bumbled into this lobby and I'm like I just feel like I should sit in this chair right now and I look up and there's Ian Clayton coming through the elevator I ain't Clayton I'm your biggest fan yeah hello well here was this Indian chief saying you need to know that there's things going on at the paper mill this giant heat I mean we're talking these tiny little mountain towns like you can barely find a piece of land that's flat enough to drive your car through let alone build a house you've got to have excavators everywhere to do anything here in the mountains and canton this little town this little river mountain town their only economy was this giant paper mill which has been there like forever everybody works there well I didn't really think much of it but that Indian said that about their things and the instigation was there's bad things going on behind the scenes like this is not this is not a good thing this place is not good well just a month or so later the news went out that after all these years that the paper mills closing down well I didn't know what that meant except I just suddenly remember like oh my gosh there was that weird night it was like 2 a .m.

  • I'm stuck in my car and I met that Cherokee Indian chief guy or whatever that was telling me about the paper mill is bad well all these Christians thought it was good they're like oh pray for the paper mill not to close down that's the simple people that live out here you know they just live for their whatever their little lives and their little church things and whatever I can't even bring myself to go to one of those potluck things but meanwhile bigger things are happening than local well I lost my job you know I'm gonna make it well you know borders are wide open and all the Alex Jones enforce stuff it's affecting the deepest not just flyover states but the highest cities in the mountains are being affected by policies by the corruption of the enemy and of course they're planning on massive worldwide famine next year praying that doesn't happen but that's all that's all data that should be on our radar screen somewhere like you some people just look at the weather and they look at like well tomorrow Google on the AI said tomorrow's gonna be 5 degrees colder than today well today was kind of cold so I guess tomorrow's gonna be colder to get more jacket you know they do that to make you dumb on purpose it's not convenient to live that way you should have a Batman radar screen about Doppler radar and wind pressure and understanding moisture and humidity and all that stuff you should understand science not be like tomorrow's gonna be a little bit hotter than today that's what my phone started to tell me and I was looking at it like oh well that's very convenient because I haven't had time to look at the weather at all but then I think wait this is evil this is really bad to depend on well mommy says I can have my pinky though I'm happy today the Google nanny nanny state is forcing you into a matrix bubble and it's our own fault for not having any access to actual go to windy .com look at the windmaps look at the look at the satellites look at the technologies out there smart people look at that and you should be looking at that and you should be interested in meteorology and meteorology they you should be looking at suspicious observers .com and youtube channel daily updates what's the sun doing it's affecting this planet it's like wow look at all the planets in the solar system are affected by the sun doing all this crazy stuff oh wow do you think earth might be affected too no it's just because people didn't use enough plastic bags or good paper bags the rest of these made the earth do that those earthquake having cut the earth people weren't hugging the trees enough the sun wakes up and there's alignments in the grovidic weird whatever that is in the solar system between giant huge bodies in the solar system and the earth do tend to cause upticks in the earthquake realm all the major earthquakes the last two decades you look at the solar system and the sun and the array of the planets and it's just bizarre how they all seem to align this is not magic astrology it's not secret science it's just having your brain and listening to people that are not accepted by mainstream science because they don't toe the line but that's very useful information so I see the info were kind of I know we're jumping around here but and somebody's awake at two o 'clock in the morning bless you Christy Johnson thanks for popping in here I know we're late but we're gonna be getting up earlier one of these days just had a lot of family and our whole family's night owls and thankful for family time in the mountains but from the mountains we we we just declare the truth of God and the word of God and that these lies to really cast down imaginations in these end times and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God requires more than just showing somebody a newspaper article where the bad guys admitted that they were gonna do this it requires having a knowledge of the word of God and being able to cast down and to take into captivity every one of these lies and these agendas into the absolute unbeatable I mean you might be able to like put a nail in Jesus's hands and his feet and scratch the side of his abdomen and poke it and and thus only causing the salvation of all humankind whoever believes in him to live forever I mean all you gotta do is believe in Jesus and you get to live forever that's kind of a good deal that same concept of having a scratch and a hole in your hand and your feet in your side exists among the people of God who will be challenged and beaten and persecuted and shot I mean you're gonna be meeting saints in heaven who have been shot for their faith and they're gonna have some kind of a marking where the bullet holes went in and gold will be there it's some kind of a beautiful beautiful amazing display of how they were persecuted for their righteousness sake you know I mean this is the thing it's cooler to see a Star Wars Millennium Falcon or an X -wing fighter that went and destroyed the Death Star and came back into battle and it has these laser burns on the side it has like scars from battle and it's like that's a cooler spaceship than just some random disc spaceship UFO thing it's cooler to see something that went through something and you understand this is a warrior they have fought through battle you know my brother Joel who's had epilepsy since he was like six years old and still remains this day and praises God and speaks and tongues and proclaims God's kingdom and has just big big middle finger FU to the kingdom of darkness every day all the time and we're declaring that he just does that more and that the enemy just suffers more for what they try to do through Big Pharma or whatever they did to Joel we don't even know but it's probably Big Pharma wouldn't be surprised nobody else in our family ever had that condition ever you know I mean big big Pharma big nice happy vaccine companies playing Russian roulette with with middle class families and their kids especially oh your Christians oh you go to this in that church okay well somebody gave us a little message that we should give you this special injection see how that goes with you so I look at my family as a big battlefield of warriors that have survived and those that didn't survive we remember them and we fight for the name of Jesus over the name of the basham family the ramels too my wife's family as well like my wife grew up without a dad her dad died when she was five my mother -in -law lives with us a widow and just a spectacular person listen to her testimony in pixie talks if you ever want to hear a really interesting story about actual fairies but essentially what I'm saying is that the enemy tries to fight you and tries to strike you down and destroy info wars or destroy Steve Quail or whatever and it just makes you even bigger Steve Quail is bigger than ever after losing his own podcast or whatever whatever it was I didn't really know what it was back then but Alex Jones isn't going away the info wars isn't going away but I've always said this that when the info war completes its job which it really has over the last three years everybody's aware now we need to pray now we need to get into the word now we need to plug into our bibles and find the weapons to get through this end time thing this marathon that's ahead of us for our families for our children for everybody's sake like you've got to learn how to speak the word of faith over your life declare confess the word find those confessions in the word you know the words in the Bible there's some there's countless confessions in the word of God I mean you're literally like Neo and Entrinity in the in that scene of the Matrix where they have this array of weapons coming at them so that they can save Morpheus and you've got that before you every day every moment every second and what do you do well I'm tired I'm going to just lie down in the couch for a few minutes what is what happens your mind bubbles up thoughts of somebody that was mean to you or something you did that was kind of wrong and somebody took the wrong way and then they thought this and you're thinking that and just some stupid like ping pong thing or pool table ball rolling around or a Roomba vacuum cleaner just bumping around the road just something stupid your mind is becoming useless when what you could be doing is speaking in tongues and praising God and hallelujah hallelujah and the Lord has cleansed me from all sin and who is he that should condemn me every tongue that shall rise up against you in condemnation you will condemn these scriptures and where's your fighting spirit to rise up and gather those verses and pull out your sword and start swinging away when somebody says well you know God gave us the sickness you're like no the Lord never said that chop that demon off that lie God didn't make you sick God didn't make you he doesn't want you to be poor or in debt or miserable or worse my anxiety from I guess God wants me to be anxiety how about God wants you to be free from anxiety and he has not given us the spirit of fear and by his wounds at the whipping post I am healed will I read those verses I'm still scared we'll keep versiting them just try and keep hacking away at that thing and watch how the fear will will leave and watch how the sickness will leave I mean that stuff it's not that hard to get rid of all that stuff the hard thing is to keep your healing and to keep your freedom from unforgiveness or whatever I mean there's there's all kinds of things that keep people in the darkness will I guess we've been laughing for 40 minutes and I don't don't keep going here I want to read Jeremiah 21 to you it's a very very heavy chapter but it's apropos for the transition between the spirit war into the or the info war into the spirit war really it's quantum entanglement because info wars has really kept spirit wars going so many spiritual warriors have been blessed by the info war being there for us day in and day out whatever the source not just Alex Jones but just knowing that there is an info war has blessed many spirit warriors to want to get into their bibles but now I think the time is coming to where the Bible warriors the people that are word men the people that get up early to read the Bible and aren't watching rumble bit shoot righty on info wars whatever ex post gab me we the people that are really hungry for the word don't realize that they're about to be called into leadership above and beyond anything that we've seen from like whistleblowers from the FBI or I was a part of the satanic which cousin and I'm writing books and going to conferences and who should he start this is not going to be about writing books and going to conferences there might be some of that this is going to be about leading the thought process of God's people away from thinking about political stuff all day morning day and night economic news whatever news news even great interviews by Tucker Carlson being the the main thing that you think about all the time that's going to become peripheral you're going to be looking at that like wow that's good okay good nice to know but you're going to be more excited about what is the Holy Spirit speaking to me about today and to my brothers and he's going to put you in the midst of maybe like two or three or four or six maximum I think 12 folks intimately that you communicate with and bounce back and forth spiritual revelations that understandings kind of like like little think tanks little little communities and you'll find yourselves essentially navigating the end time situation whether you live nearby or together or far away but as units as teams assisting each other those people will take more time than like daily news like oh what's going on with Trump and what did Alex jump I mean the info war is essentially the mission has been complete and I'm not talking about just hanging out with each other I'm talking about God is going to be pouring through each of us individually in our intimate relationship with God I mean I wake up with these insane dreams daily I don't know I stopped I noticed I don't even talk about them on the show anymore because there's so many and they're so weird but it's everything Star Trek and everything quantum entanglement and everything James Bond and and and that's going to be something you want to share in private with folks and then eventually stuff will leak out but when it does it'll be too late for people to get in you'll be like yeah we discovered unlimited energy whatever we have it okay God gave it to us yeah we can levitate and you know burn through mountains we don't need excavators anymore we built a house pad with faith I mean mustard seed faith is tiny faith so even smaller than a mustard seed you can probably clear a house pad on a mountain that kind of thing so very random very I hesitate to get into the whole super soldier dynamic and what the secret black ultra government thing has been doing but we'll get into that I want to read the Bible and let you guys rest because it's late but hopefully you're not listening live because this is a two two late brink a 244 a .m.

  • broadcast so we'll be right back in just a moment oh hallelujah well hallelujah all righty well thank you Lord thank you Jesus the word which came unto Jeremiah from the Lord when King Zedekiah sent it to him Pashua the son of Melchak and Zefna the son of Mersheh the priest saying inquire I pray thee of the Lord for us for Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon makes war against us if so be that the Lord will deal with us according to all his wondrous works that he may go up from us then said Jeremiah unto them thus shall you say and Zedekiah thus say the Lord God of Israel behold I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands where with you fight against the King of Babylon and against the Chaldeans which besiege you without walls outside the walls and I will assemble them into the midst of the city and I myself will fight against you with an outstretched hand and with a strong arm even an anger and infuri and in great wrath what and I will smite the inhabitants of this city both man and beast they shall die of a great pestilence and afterwards say the Lord I will deliver Zedekiah king of Judah and his servants of the people and such as their left from the city from the pestilence from the sword and the famine and the Hannah of Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon and into the hands of their enemies and into the hands those that seek their life and he shall smite them with the edge of the sword he shall not spare them neither have pity nor have mercy and unto this people you will say thus say the Lord behold I set before you the way of life and the way of death so God is going to set before the people of the west the way of life and the way of death the people who are so commingled, intermingled with every vile and false demon bird gross thing in the west in America and if you live in western countries and countries affected by the west especially namely Taiwan which I lived in for 10 years I went from China in Japan to Taiwan I felt like when I went to Taiwan I felt the presence of the spirit of America over Taiwan and a kind of a marriage with America in Taiwan very interesting feeling although the culture is 5 ,000 years old so very interesting paradox of a place to live but not so with China not so with Japan not so with Nepal not so with India you can go to other countries and get away from the spirit of Babylon that Americans live under and they don't even know it they just live under this weird filthy crappy puke moldy puss* excrement all the time every day under the pollution of the bacteria of propaganda from New Babylon, America the horror, whatever that is and it pervades not just America but throughout the western culture western civilization and the only way to get freedom from that is through the word of God proclaiming the word day in and day out no here's an interesting word I have set you before you the way of life and the way of death very clear black and white you know God even told me today where black and white clothes because that verse in the Bible says well don't worry about what you're gonna wear every day I took that recently to not just mean don't worry about your life and getting money to buy clothes but even about what to wear every day well just wear black and white today that simplifies things okay what do I got I got a white shirt I got black shorts gonna put them on thank you Jesus and I feel the sense of I'm wearing the colors that I felt in my spirit I should wear today black and white yep still wearing them now I changed my t -shirt to another white t -shirt but it's still white that's just a little exercise that I did I'm not saying that that you got to do that but I set before you the way of life or death is pretty clear like do you want to live or do you want to die do you want to chop off your son's genitals for the sake of the system because that's what you're gonna do no matter how much you lie and say well you know he was wearing his sister's shoes I mean freaking sick my my son has an older sister who's totally girly and they play together all day and sometimes he'll like grab her shoes and fight her and punch her for them he's two years old he just turned two but he's like almost as tall as her and stronger than her in many ways she's four but am I gonna go and like castrate my son because I saw him walking around in Elsa shoes because his older sister that he plays with all day is all into Elsa and I don't like Elsa by the way but yeah that's called causing your children to pass through the fire that's a light form maybe even an extreme it's torture really of bail worship molok causing your children to pass through the fire I I set before you the way of life and the way of death he that abides in this city shall die by the sword and by the famine this is the wicked cities of America that God is gonna judge and every city that God is gonna judge not just America I'm not saying America's doomed completely I live in America after a thinking America's doomed well no there's a lot of America that isn't doomed but there are cities that you gotta keep your eye on and cities as in the spiritual form like I'm not even talking about church like you gotta go to church go to a church the spirit of a church go to that church have fellowship with those people the spirit of a city the spirit of a nation also like guys gonna judge those spirits of nations so those people might be in other countries and God is gonna judge them with the sword and famine and pestilence and that's kind of happening already with vaccines and the the death shots he but he that goes out and falls to the Chaldeans that besiege you he shall live and his life shall be unto him for a prey so it's not all doom and gloom there's ways you can survive this even when the Russians and the Chinese and the other countries besiege a wicked nation there are people who will preserve their lives for I have set my face against this city for evil and not for good say it the Lord it shall be given into the hand of the king of Babylon and he shall burn it with fire and touching the house of the king of Judah say hear ye the word of the Lord oh house of David thus set the Lord execute judgment in the morning and deliver him that is spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor less my fury go out like fire and burn that none can quench it because of the evil of your doings behold I'm against the oh inhabitant of the valley and rock of the plain say the Lord which say who shall come down against us or who shall enter into our habitations but I will punish you according to the fruit of your doings say the Lord and I will kindle a fire in the forest thereof and it shall devour all things around about it well that speaks to us we live in a fire in a valley and Lord protect this valley and all I'll say is again that as we see the info war really they've completed their cause this last four years I'd say especially info wars has done their work you know Alex Jones you need to go and rest for a while and let those young boys that you've trained up don't worry about their salaries it's better when you do it from your cell phone anyway right am I right?

  • with just some small donations here and there to keep you going but go get a job at burger barn if you got it but no start your own company start your own business like we're thinking about many ways to get going to get more professional to the streamline even like tax -free kind of stuff all that like don't knock it if it's there just use it whatever Paul did the same we're still a revolution revolution for Jesus we're separated from the world and from the system but we don't abuse it but we use it where God is giving it to us to use so you'd be silly not to drive a car and be amish because well I'm my grandpa taught me not to drive a car well there's a car no I will ride my horse well that's very valiant of you sir and actually that's freaking cool maybe I want to do that too but you should still be able to ride a car if you want to you shouldn't be able to not drive a car and that's how I look at 501c3 it's like well it's right there why are we using it if it breaks down then stop using it but for now might as well use it because you guys have been generous to us and I'd like to at least be able to whoever has blessed us I'd like to be able to at least bless you back with tax rightable I'm not a big tax person but you can you understand what I'm trying to say like you're not going to be badgered by the government for that money that you donated to this operation because it is a missionary operation I just talked to our downtown soldier boy Jody Halstead and he went and spent three hours the middle of the night the Lord told him to just go somehow some way he ended up blessing the socks off of an individual who was stuck in the hospital half their face was drooping probably vaccines although we didn't want to ask and they were healed and miraculous thing and just beautiful test money God is using us and he's he's he's here with us and we're all kind of like strewn about doing this and that and I think it would be nice at least get the books right so so that people aren't just throwing money at us and then well you bought some spirit war stuff there well no I just sent money to Michael Bash on my trusting he uses it well well it'd be nice to give some tax deductibles whatever that is to give people who give to us some kind of a write -off so that you don't have to lose by giving if that makes sense and if we don't get to that soon by the way you can go and donate to 501c3's like KCM, DPM, kind of a couple of ministries and dirt prints ministries but I'm just telling you off the top of my head what we're talking about behind the scenes because you're listening after a whole hour at two o 'clock in the morning hallelujah we read a chapter of the Bible the spirit wars is starting and picking up from where the info war left off and that is a huge subject and there could be so much spoken about that tonight and essentially think about like Luke Skywalker and Obi -Wan picking up from where Rogue One left off all right so we're well we got the plans to the death star okay we figured out where you can hurt them the most but it's gonna be a long shot and you're gonna need a miracle well guess what my grandfather wrote a book called Face Up with a Miracle and he looked a lot like Obi -Wan and my life started with my sister Haley Dasham a lot like Luke and Leah in fact we always used to joke around that we were so much like them and we would watch Empire Strikes Back every single day because dad captured it on TV and left a video cassette for us to watch my five -year -old sister and I watched Star Wars Empire Strikes Back every single day on VCR in the early 90s in Fort Wayne, Indiana and call that brainwashing but I think that the spirit war and in Don Basha Ministry Derek Prince Ministries is going to carry on Katie Conrad my dear cousin that's been on all these chat rooms on these live streams we're talking about spiritual warfare on another level and going into missions doing things that are just extra -dimensional that can't be quantified usually by the physical human brain but are happening and it's like the force Jedi soldiers are awakening and the world just doesn't understand it's so impractical to think that some kid that has epilepsy but yet is an overcomer that proclaims Jesus and angels in the king day after day after day speaks in tongues stairs that is Bible and even if he can't even read the words speaks in tongues and if he can't even formulate the words puts his hand in his mouth and causes his lips to make different sounds and speaks with his voice that's my brother Joel and that is moving mountains and the energy of all of us just making a joyful sound you know, not succumbing to whatever other people are doing and just making that sound even if you're a musician if you're playing music well, I'm at this gig but you are purposeing the sound to glorify God and not what most musicians do or podcasters, for example donate, subscribe, like follow me, make me famous make me big who's all about me my ego's gonna be so big oh, man, my ego's so big it's gonna burst thanks for all liking and subscribing no, it's gross it's gross, you get in the room with something like that and they're like, hey, you want to just support me just bleh it's jucky have dinner with somebody like that and just try to have a normal conversation human to human and then when they bring that up you're like, okay all right, yeah, all right I gotta take a nap so, wife, can you please entertain this guy this literally happened to me once in Honolulu some friend that came over and all he wanted to do he came over for dinner and we were all tired we had a baby like that month and he just wanted to come and support himself with his little amway thing and the whole dinner was all about that and I was so tired I remember going back in the room and just lying down on the bed just trying to sleep for a few minutes oh, so tired and exhausted and this person that came over just added to the exhaustion in the sense of burden on our already overloaded plate wow, what a vivid picture that brings back thinking about new honor that beautiful valley that beautiful valley and just at the beginning of the lockdowns wow and bless that guy you know, I love him I don't blame him this isn't a personal jab at him he lost his wife to some some sad circ*mstances and I can understand why people do that kind of thing but usually that kind of behavior comes from weakness and what we need is a sense of strength and maturity and a sense of character and identity and like I know who I am and I don't need you to give me something to make me know who I am I don't need you to follow me or give me money it's a sense of like Obi -Wan at the end of his life and he's nodding and he's got his little staff and he's fought countless wars but he's just happy to be the old man yes, I was once a Jedi I was a Jedi like your father you know, by the way your father wanted you to have this when you old enough yes, I fought in the Clone Wars you fought in the Clone Wars yes, I was once a Jedi knight just like your father and most easily spaceport will never find the more villainous hive of sin and iniquity now let's go there okay and that spirit of a Jedi that's the spirit wars the interval wars is touching that throughout the journey of Alex Jones throughout the decades if you listen to Alex Jones as many thousands of hours as I have you will hear him wax eloquent and wax prophetic but it's only like 0 .5 % of the time where we're going it's going to be 0 .5 % is news and 99 .5 % is going to be the force of faith of God of the word of the truth of like that character that Liam Neeson played Kegon Jin he's just sitting there he's about to die and Darth Maul is about to kill him and cut his head off or whatever and dismember him and he's like he's just meditating in the battle because your life your body is a small representation of the much bigger forces behind you the cloud of witnesses the kingdom of God about to invade this planet to initiate the millennium the battle of Armageddon and the millennium all of that all of us should be sounding a little crazy now if you're a Christian and you don't sound crazy right now I kind of I look at you with a little bit of suspicion if you are trying to sound normal to fit in and you can't say anything that doesn't fit into this world I wonder about you who cares about 20 years ago let's get into today let's get into getting the kingdom of God in right now through us we are the portals we are the vessels and I could talk for hours longer but this is late late night time and I think you need to go to bed but hallelujah the word of God in your mouth is a fire and you will bless and you will shut down world operations and you will bring and you will plant as you get that seed of the word into you I recommend getting the the go victory Bible app and the Kenneth Copeland apps and if you're still one of those people it looks so scary just get the Bible in you read the Bible find ways rip pages out of your Bible if you have to and bring them with you find a way there's ways to do this and you will find your life transformed as you unsheath that sword because the close Bible is just a dusty old sword sitting on the shelf as the marauders raid your village and rape the kids and the women and you're sitting there drunk and useless take that sword grab that handle pull that sword out of the sheath and who cares if it gets bloody with demon guts you're going to feel good when you start cutting through them with the sword you're going to feel good when you rescue the women and the children they're getting raped left and right come on there's work to be done my neighborhood is safe once you become a christian and you get spirit filled the Holy spirit will send you to places unbeknownst to you you're going to be doing missions in the places where it matters most you're going to be helping to jail those El Salvadorian gang members for example you're going to be a part of that operation you're going to be joining the angels in prayer or maybe boots on the ground depends and you're going to see these people but beyond bars and that you were a part of that mission and you didn't even know it because you were just dreaming away happy hallelujah speaking in tongues before bed and worship music and word of god you were a part of that mission we need more labors don't think that god is just doing this because he just loves you and wants you to be while he does love you and he does do it because he loves you but he needs more we need to make babies my friends we need to multiply and make many babies and warriors and fighters even if it's just a seed just do whatever it takes when a soul gets people into the kingdom get them saved get them activated get them going all right this is Michael Basham is the war hallelujah thank you lord we'll stay close to the lord and we'll be back very soon I think faithbucks .com and support the war effort spirit force 0 -1 at gmail .com is our paypal and we have a Patreon too and I want to thank everybody that's joined that through that we've been able to actually donate to people in Patreon and I think we keep about maybe a little over half of what we get on that but that has blessed us immensely this month everything was every expense piled up I know everything's crazy this year I mean get ready guys it's crazy but as we sow and as we give and as we bless others we are blessed and it's a culture of giving it's amazing just giving away in faith I don't have any money I'm just giving it all away but I got kids and you still give it away and then you're like wow we're really cushy this month well don't forget what you did don't forget how being generous and blessing others and giving to others helped promote that thing that you're doing my dad has allowed countless people to live free with our family throughout the years since 2000 literally since the year 2000 for the last 24 years people living scot free no bill no food bill not even required to clean the toilet my gosh meanwhile my dad his jobs just seem to accumulate and grow and gather to the point where I came back from Taiwan and Hawaii and I came to Florida and it was like what the heck happened around here it's like this freaking mansion house well no we don't know now so there's but I was thinking some things going on here this family is blessed like there is major blessing going on and seeing people living there for free still you know the basham family has been a refuge for a long time and it's time we turn the spirit wars of dawn basham, the legacy of the basham out there into the public into helping and to grab that torch that Alex Jones is kind of stumbling here and there and he's just been fighting he's like this old horse that's just been swinging his axe and he doesn't know who's going to take it up is it going to be David ike the new age is it going to be some new age bunch of guys or is it going to be people from Derek Prince Ministries and Kenneth Copeland Ministries they're going to be like brother I see what you've done and we're going to come in here like Obi -Wan and the Millennium Falcon with Obi -Wan and we're going to come and swoop you up and we're going to complete the mission and we're going to blow up the death star by faith because you brought us the plans and we're going in don't you feel little just something inspiring, some little excited you're going to be a Jedi warrior just like your father you don't even know about all your path I'm going to go in and Alex Jones gave us the plans of the death star and now it's our turn the spirit warriors we're going to go in with our Tony Floyd trailblazer Millennium Falcon warriors blade and we're going to complete the mission by faith and it's going to be beautiful because God's going to get all the glory how he used all of us we're going to just worship and forever and we just showed up just whatever percentage we could each day not just money but like prayer and attention and focus and intent execution identity and we all did this together I'll leave you with one last thing I went to China in 2005 by faith I don't even know how I got there there was no money I did it with faith and then people were there of faith that bridged the gap and we were there and we were working hard morning day and night I would get up at 5am every morning and work and fight and we were teaching the gospel washing dishes scrubbing toilets child care I was going for jogs around the neighbourhoods meaning Chinese infiltrating communist colleges and teaching Bible classes to a couple two or three people felt useless we were there I was teaching English on buses going on buses out to Timbuktu just that whole era of Harbin, China 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 that whole time well I should be correct here it was about 2006, 2007 like the beginning of 2006 and the middle of 2007 about a year and a half and a lot of work and a lot of meetings a lot of home meetings a lot of prophecy reading a lot of kind of well we've got to do things a certain way and squabbles, church splits I mean it was an entire saga it was an entire saga and I left there and I went back to Florida and I couldn't explain to anybody what I had been through in fact I even jumped in a shark tank at the very end of all that I swam with sharks Tiger sharks I don't even know what that means some day we'll know what that all means but long story short I come to America again after 20 years from Hawaii well if you don't include Hawaii as America then 20 years well 17 years I was gone for 17 years and I show up in San Diego and one of my good friends that I've kept in touch with throughout the years was there in his son it just passed away tragically so I helped this gentleman gather his son's belongings just down the road from where I was living in San Diego in the mountains and we went to L .A he drove me to Ventura Los Angeles with the trailer it's just so weird thinking about this this all happened just a couple of years ago and during those talks in the car we found out that well he went to China and they completed the operation that I felt that was failed and a mess and just lost and a waste of time I found out later that all the things that we were endeavoring to do getting publications and getting other missionaries better, equip people out there but we had done we felt like failures this is 15 years ago and I'm finding out all these years later now more than 15 years later like 18 years later I guess that we actually were successful and that they went on to produce fruit and share the gospel to countless tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of Chinese through what we had started and what we had fought for there despite all the problems despite all the weaknesses despite even deaths I mean people died from that operation you think well you just got this little one or two people died well if 10 % of your unit dies that's still pretty terrible and I know a lot of dead people I mean I'm connected to these people still I feel their spirits with me and I go to bed and I feel that burden of I have warriors that I have stood by and they're gone now and we live for something that sounded crazy back then but now it's all coming true and we're all the little things that you do now that you get persecuted for and you might never get credit for decades it's important it's important just have faith and whatever God's put in your heart and do it and don't lose hope or faith just because you don't have whatever needs matter this and that and the other and just the word has all the resources that you need it's the complete universe that you can live in already I'm ranting and it's late okay 32 a .m.

  • here on this beautiful wonderful Sunday June the 9th and we love you all and thank you and bless you and get ready we're going to stop doing these late -night rants and we're going to start doing earlier morning things early morning is better it's more professional and we'll reach more people and it's about time so bless you and sweet dreams tonight God bless you.

SpiritWars Carrie's on where InfoWars leaves off JEREMIAH 21 (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.